50 degrees here, I smell Fall, and breakfast!


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Thick slice of cinnamon bacon and hash browns to start.





Friends coming this afternoon, grilling a 4 lb. rib roast for dinner.
Have a great weekend everyone!
looks PERFECT Bob!
47º this morning, had to scrape the frost off the screen to see the Excellent Breakfast you grilled up!

think I can see my breath....
Great breakfast Bob. I'll trade my 70 at 6:30am and a high of 90+ today with you and Jim's 47* & 50*. But of course as the summer dies down (if it ever does) I'll keep my mild winter compared to your sub artic snow covered tundra winter.:p
Bob I'll take that plate of food any time yummy. Now you and Jim be nice,. Rich just posted ahead of me about your weather. You know he doesn't like the REAL COLD stuff!!!!
Great looking breakfast Bob. We have Fall like temps here today also. My favorite time of the year.
Thanks everyone!

Jim, I got mine through a Woot deal a couple of years back, it's the JR model, not big, but plenty big for my purposes.
I use it several times a year and really like it.
Amazon has it for $34.97, and the Little Griddle site for $39.99 with free shipping.

one tip for cleaning is to pour a little water on it while hot, the stuck on stuff scrapes right off.
Fantastic breakfast Bob! The only thing in the air here is dust and smoke. 109 (projected) for today. 108 yesterday! I have the Kettle Q shown in Jim's post. Love it.
That's a breakfast that should be eaten at a counter while sitting on a duct-taped stool! Do you wear a white cap and a dirty apron for the full short order cook effect?;)
I don't know why, but when i looking at your cooking, i always catch myself smile. Probably because it is always a beautiful sight...this pleasant home cooking. Tasty looking plate my friend:)
Great breakfast Bob. Can definitely feel fall out here. Noticed some of the oak brush is starting to change.

