Update on possibility of making stainless reinforcement plates for the 1st generation Summits
I got a call from the second shop I went to. (Still haven't heard from the first one.) He said they could make the stainless plates in 14 gauge out of 304 stainless for $20 a piece if I would buy 16 pieces. If you rely on interior reinforcement only, that would be a total of $40 for a 4-burner and $60 for a 6-burner. The part SHOULD interchange for either model. Obviously, if you want to go all out and "sandwich" the affected front piece, you will have to double that. Each piece will cover two burners and the igniter wire port between them. They could by used on just the inside or on both inside and outside.
I told the shop that I wanted to see what kind of interest I would get here for others buying some before placing my order. I am definitely going to buy for a set for my Summit. I think this is about as good a fix as we could hope for. It doesn't break the bank, and it will give your classic old Summit a whole new life.
I am not having holes drilled for bolts. I plan to attach with this "food grade" high heat RTV adhesive:
This will reduce cost and eliminate the issues with drilling new holes in your porcelain plated steel, thereby introducing new points to rust.
The piece will look basically like the cardboard template I did earlier:
Let me know by PM if you would like to get in on the order. Please keep in mind that I would then have to ship to you (at cost). I would want to use a small box to be sure the parts don't get bent in any way. Or, if you are close enough, you can drop by and pick them up!
I think this a big break-through. It would seem that it could be readily done for 2nd and 3rd generation Summits as well. I am not immediately ready for that, but if you have an interest maybe you can make your own template, send it to me, and I can see what they say.
I hope a number of you jump in. Even if your grill is OK right now, having these ready to apply - or pre-emptively applying - could save your grill!
@LMichaels I like my ribeyes medium-well if you are willing to do that
