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  1. SE Davis

    Stuffed Chops on the Kettle today

    That chop looks really tasty Dave. Did you cook them indirect entirely? Scott
  2. SE Davis

    Beef ribs -N- Noodles

    Excellent cook Russ! Scott
  3. SE Davis

    First time snake cook and beef ribs.

    My thoughts exactly Rich. It worked out well. While I wouldn't give up my WSM John. The kettle is more versatile for the times I'm cooking just for Colleen and myself. Scott
  4. SE Davis

    First time snake cook and beef ribs.

    Jim they were partially cut at the butcher. Not sure if that is a standard at this shop or not as it's the first time I have done them. Scott
  5. SE Davis

    Hot´n´Sweet Chicken

    Outstanding cook Emilie! Scott
  6. SE Davis

    Pork chops on the Performer

    Very nice Chris. Scott
  7. SE Davis

    Wagyu Hanger Steak

    That's the way it's done. Excellent Jim. Scott
  8. SE Davis

    Sitck 'M Monday

    Sorry for your loss Jose. Really great looking plate there. Scott
  9. SE Davis

    3.5 hour BB Ribs

    Tasty ribs and sausage Chuck. Scott
  10. SE Davis

    Skewed Skewers

    I want a plate, Scott
  11. SE Davis

    Blackberry Pie on the 14 1/2 inch WSM

    Your killing me Cliff. Scott
  12. SE Davis

    Rib Eye for Two

    Excellent cook Brian. Scott
  13. SE Davis

    Saturday night Rotisserie Chicken

    What moist chicken you cooked up Brian. Scott
  14. SE Davis

    Here's my 4th of July on the 14.5" WSM

    Hey Robert, Those cooks look fantastic.:) Did you soak the corned beef at all to reduce the salt? It's way past time for me to smoke some more pastrami. Scott
  15. SE Davis

    HulaHula Pineapple

    Well Done James. Looks Great! Scott
  16. SE Davis

    First time snake cook and beef ribs.

    I decided to try beef ribs on the performer for lunch. So with all of your Tvwbb help........ Beef ribs in some Worcestershire with S&P. Snake lit using cherry for smoke. I added boiling water to the pan. Top and bottom vents were closed about 1/4. Lid temp held 277. Tooth pick tender...
  17. SE Davis

    Smoked Tri Tip on Weber's Expandable Rack

    Excellent tri-tip Cliff! Scott
  18. SE Davis

    It was a Crown Royal Maple Glazed Fattie kind of Friday

    I'll take a McBob....Bob. Really great photos also. Scott
  19. SE Davis

    An evening for Carne Asada

    I always give props to Tony&Maribel when ever I make these tacos. I vary a bit from from their recipe but it's always close. Flank steak marinated in fresh orange and lime juice, half a dozen cloves of chopped gaaalic, 1/2 a chopped onion, handful of chopped cilantro, cracked black pepper...
  20. SE Davis

    Grilled BCOT for the Fourth?

    Excellent drink and sammie Bob! Rotelle works great in so many things. Scott

