Sitck 'M Monday


Jose Suro

TVWBB All-Star
Hi All,

Not much grilling lately. I've been very busy dealing with my Mom's Estate proceedings. I did get to do a quick grill last Monday, just for my wife and I. I used a recipe from the Healthy Grilling sub forum Weber PDF I found here:

It's the pork kabobs recipe towards the end of the PDF. I used the marinade and used pork tenderloin for this cook instead. I also had a pound bag of fresh 16-20 shrimp so I stuck those too. There went the healthy part :). I marinated those in EVOO, garlic, lemon, salt, pepper and paprika. After they came off the grill I doused them in butter! Everything was delicious. The pork marinade on the PDF is spot on. Superb taste!

No plated pictures because I was kind of in a hurry. That's my life these days :(.

On the Grill (BIG Shrimp):


And off the grill ready to eat:


We had this with my wife's signature salad. All very good made more so because I hadn't grilled for a while.

And an off topic pic. My Brother's birthday was coming up so I got him one of these (well, in all truth I got me one too :).)

The inlay is fossilized Woolly Mammoth Ivory - very rare, ~10000 years old. And they are not making this knife anymore with that inlay. Ours are #281 and #282.

All the best!

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Sorry about your Mom Jose, just lost mine too. Your cook looks excellent and as a lover of good knives I looked very closely at that one. Nice
Sorry about your Mom Jose, just lost mine too. Your cook looks excellent and as a lover of good knives I looked very closely at that one. Nice

Thanks Bill. Sorry for your loss as well. It's one of the hardest things I've been through. My prayers to you and your Mom forthcoming.

All the Best,

Sorry for your loss been there with both of my parents. Great looking cook and I'd love to have a knife like that!
That is a beautiful knife you have, wish that I had one like it. Pork & shrimp kabobs look real good.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom.

