Search results

  1. J Pichey

    Old School BBQ chicken

    Good looking cook.
  2. J Pichey

    Coffee Marinated Tri-Tip Roast

    Love it. Tri Tip has moved to the top of my list lately. Great cook.
  3. J Pichey

    Friday's Fish Fry

    When do we see some walleye?
  4. J Pichey

    Wings, Pork Shots and ABT’s

    Great looking cook. I am looking forward to making some pork shots.
  5. J Pichey

    Grilled Smoked Bacon Spam Lunch

    SO TASTY!!! Love me some of that spam. Nice Lunch!
  6. J Pichey

    Steak Night!!

    Great looking steak. Great looking cigar. I like the way you go about things.
  7. J Pichey

    Potato Galette & Pork Steaks

    That looks great. I will give this potato thing a try soon. Well done.
  8. J Pichey

    ABT's stuffed with pork and pineapple

    I started using the pineapple cream cheese about a year back and it's by far my favorite flavor. Adds some sweet to the heat. If I can't find the pineapple flavored CC, I just do what you did and add the crushed pineapple to regular CC. Great post!
  9. J Pichey


    Welcome to the best forum on the net.
  10. J Pichey

    Try #2 at Bacon-Wrapped Smoked Scallops. (Also Smoked Campari Tomatoes.)

    Bacon and Scallops. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm
  11. J Pichey

    Shredded Chick Mole Tacos

    Cant go wrong with any of that. Well done
  12. J Pichey

    Snow Storm Meatloaf

    Looks great. Should help keep things warm with that darn white stuff everywhere.
  13. J Pichey

    Tried out my new GRILL GRATES with Pork Chops.

    I think I paid $39.95 for these. They have different sizes for different grills. Check out
  14. J Pichey

    Hello from Cowtown (FORT WORTH)

    Welcome. We love pics here, so don't forget some of your brisket.
  15. J Pichey

    does your spouse laugh at you?

    Great looking set up. I think I will do this as well. That simple green works great.
  16. J Pichey

    Sensational Pork Steaks

    Put out a third. I'll hop in the jeep now and start heading north.
  17. J Pichey

    Sweet potato help....

    Looks good to me. I will try these soon. I love a good sweet tater'
  18. J Pichey

    Winter Time Smokin.... Pork Butt

    Great looking PB's. Well done.
  19. J Pichey

    Tried out my new GRILL GRATES with Pork Chops.

    Ordered a few grill grates over the weekend and got them today in the mail. I brined a few boneless pork chops and dusted them with some of the Dizzy Pig sample that came free with the GG's: Threw them on the grill grates. Nice sizzle: Good looking grill marks: Added some homemade...
  20. J Pichey

    dinner pix =)

    nice looking set up. Nice cook as well.

