Tried out my new GRILL GRATES with Pork Chops.


J Pichey

Ordered a few grill grates over the weekend and got them today in the mail. I brined a few boneless pork chops and dusted them with some of the Dizzy Pig sample that came free with the GG's:


Threw them on the grill grates. Nice sizzle:


Good looking grill marks:


Added some homemade chipotle apple BBQ sauce to one chop and plated:


Overall, they worked pretty well. The pork chops were a bit dry as they cooked quicker than I was hoping. I will turn the temp down a little next time around.

Thanks for looking. Have a great night!
Chops look great! I had the same problem the first time I used my grill grates. I didn't
read the instructions that mentioned that they run about 100 degrees hotter than what your
grill temp is. So a 350 grill is actually 450 on the grill grates. I just use less charcoal now
and no problems on overcooking.

