Grilled Smoked Bacon Spam Lunch


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Snowy day here near the Lou.

So a simple grilled lunch was just the ticket.
The meat of choice:

The prep:

(I need to work on my knife skills for this difficult to cut hunk of meat, my slices are not even)
On the grill with hickory wood for smoke:

At the flip:

Topped with cheese:

Stone ground mustard on the roll, sweet potato chips for a side, and a cold brew for the drink.
(American Patriot pairs very well with Spam, and it matches my plate :))

And a piece of fruit cocktail cake to set the world right.

TGIF, hope everyone has a Great weekend!!
Give me 2 Bob! And an extra dsrt for MLI! If i ever eat Spam i would go with the bacon one :cool: (cooked by you ofc)
Bob, you just made spam look very desirable again! Remember really liking that growing up!
But haven't had any in several years. Got to give this one a shot. ;)
for some very strange reason, my computer's spam blocker did not detect this posting....
i'll have to run another programme to clean up the problem ;)

Bob, I'll try your SPAM if Jo likes it.... otherwise, I'll pass.
Thanks everyone, except JL! :p

Sent a pic of my lunch to Jo at work, and she replied "Yuck!"
but she also said that about my and our son's sloppy joes last night.
So just go hungry Jim and Jo.
I grew up on spam also. I'd eat some, especially this. It looks good! What the heck, I love liverwurst, another rendition around here is scrapple, love that stuff too :) I remember eating potted meat and loving it also :) Thanks for posting, this brings back many memories of yester year for me! :)
Your the man a spam Sammie every now and time add some grilled onion to the mix!!

Wish I could drink beer at lunch....
I've never seen Spam look so appetizing. After seeing this, I may actually go buy some. Nice lunch, Bob.
Bob,I gotta admit that I like a fried SPAM sammich once in awhile! Your grilled sammie looks great. I like the melted cheese idea. That fruit cocktail cake had me trying to bite the screen.:) Love the vivid color of your plate!!
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Bacon in spam? Why was I not informed of this ? Honey , get the car , were going to the grocery store!
Seriously , brother. That looks delightful. Mmmmm- m !


