Snow Storm Meatloaf


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
started with 2.5 lbs of ground beef, 1.5 lbs of pork seasoned with Italian herbs...
added onions, green peppers, gaaaaaalic and a truckloada other stuff
formed it into like a halfa football on parchment


with last night's snow just startin' i shoveled a path to the Pigvilion


then shoveled out the PV


fired up the 26"OTG with a mix of used Kingsford and new hardwood charcoal...
with hickory and a touch of apple wood for smoke.
Then gently placed the loaf on the grate over a foil pan near the fire.


almost forgot to add the potatoes


with the loaf probed for an internal temp of 155-160º, I checked on everything inside after an hour.
now, i've seen this happen in a microwave, butt never in a grill.


one of the taters exploded... well, kinda. It looked pretty cool ;D
anyway, we continued... check the temp.... yep. 158º. Time to remove and rest.



and after that rest, it was sliced thick and served with carrol & gus



easy-peasy meatloaf and very yummy in your tummy good!
Thank you for stoppin' by, SoLong!
Excellent cook Jim. Wrap it in bacon and you could call it a fattie. Break it up into paddies and it would be some of the best burger known to man or.............just do it the way you did. "Yummy in the tummy!!"
Fantastic looking meatloaf!!! Meatloaf is just not the same to me after making it on the grill, IMO it is the only way to cook meatloaf!
What do you call those spuds: Shotgun 'taters? Very nice pic of the path in the snow. Pictures like this make me miss the snow. The other pics aren't too bad, either.
Great looking meat loaf Jim...not sure if that qualifies as a snow storm thought!!

I had a very similar idea for dinner tonight but got veto'd...
Good lookin' cook, my man!

Meatloaf is on my list although I'll probably do mine in the WSM. I really enjoy good meat loaf, and smoked should be even better.

Great pics and a perfect looking meatloaf Jim. My boys have been asking for one and you've reminded me how good it is when cooked on the grill.

