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  1. J Pichey

    Question About My 1st Brisket on a WSM 18.5

    You can never go wrong with Sam's. I get most of my meat there unless I am looking for a special cut. I have a group of friends that say Costco is just as good, but I don't have a Costco membership. I'm sure its all good.
  2. J Pichey

    Question About My 1st Brisket on a WSM 18.5

    Christine, Welcome to the forum. Let it go until it hits 203 - 205 degrees and re-check. It will start to tender up soon. No worries. Once it gets to the 200 range, you can remove and wrap in foil and place in a cooler with some towels. Let it rest for about 2 hours and it will get super...
  3. J Pichey

    Smoking Fish?

    Ive smoked some salmon and catfish without any issues. So I say do it.
  4. J Pichey

    I Finally Pulled the Trigger on a WSM

    Great deal! You will love it. Now get some meat on that thing!
  5. J Pichey

    Lamb Chops on the Weber Summit.

    You had me at CIGAR!!! Great cook. I need to try these soon. Nothing to dislike about this one.
  6. J Pichey

    Smoked corned beef breakfast

    That looks great!. Simple and tasty!!! My favorite combo. Well done!
  7. J Pichey

    What are you smoking this weekend (4/12/13)

    I finally found a butcher that agreed to slice up some pork steaks for me. Trying them out this afternoon. It's going to be 80 + here in the Dallas area today.
  8. J Pichey

    Friday Evening Steak

    Can't think of a better way to start this great weekend! Great looking cook.
  9. J Pichey

    I'm hungry for brisket!

    Great start to the weekend. Can't wait to see the finished pics. Love a good brisket. So many great ways to eat the leftovers. Breakfast tacos or burritos...brisket sliders......brisket quesadillas....... :)
  10. J Pichey

    How many racks of bb ribs in a 22

    You should be able to get all 6 on the top rack. Ive gotten as many as 15 racks in my 22 when I roll up the racks. Enjoy
  11. J Pichey

    Bone in Strips.... nothing special

    Great looking cook. Is that a store bought rub or a homemade BS rub?
  12. J Pichey

    Hi from SE Michigan !!!

    Hey Ken. You will love your WSM. Any thoughts on what your first cook will be?
  13. J Pichey

    Beef Short Ribs BBQ Pit Boys Style

    Wow. Those look great. Great smoke ring!
  14. J Pichey


    I just drooled on my keyboard!
  15. J Pichey

    bacon infused NY Steak, baked potatoes, asparagus

    PBR.....Adda Boy!!!!!
  16. J Pichey

    Grilled Tturkey Breast

    That is mighty easy looking. I love the sprouts idea. Another one going on the future cook list.
  17. J Pichey

    CL Performer (EZ)

    Wow. That's a great deal. I've been looking for one for awhile with no luck.
  18. J Pichey

    Orange and Bourbon Glazed Hickory Smoked Pork Tenderloin

    i love a good pork tenderloin. This one is greatness!!!!
  19. J Pichey

    Where to buy PORK STEAKS?????

    I've caved to the pressure and ordered some Wickers. After ordering, I realized that I don't recall seeing any pork steaks down here in Dallas. Is this a common thing that can be found in most places or do I need to go bribe the local butcher?
  20. J Pichey

    Sunday Pork Steaks and ABT’s

    This looks outstanding! Perfect Sunday meal.

