Search results

  1. H

    Should I roll up chicken thighs?

    Or you could do comp style thighs and try to make bite through skin by scrapping fat off the under side of the skin and putting it back on the chicken. This would also we good practice if you ever wanted to do a comp.
  2. H

    Tri Tip

    great looking cook, everything looks great!!
  3. H

    fear of charcoal

    Get the WSM and then you will have a all you need (until the next grill or smoker)
  4. H

    Pizza night

    Did grilled pizza last night, but my place I normally buy my dough from was out so I went to the local pizza place. Their dough was very different to roll out, cooking, etc. it rose like crazy and I ended up with deep dishish pizza. They just have cheese, mushrooms, pepperoni, bell pepper...
  5. H

    Is this a good deal?

    grab it!! Great deal.
  6. H

    Oh so (almost) buco

    looks great and am sure it tasted better.
  7. H

    Memorial Day Rib Eyes

    Jiim Labor day, long morning. Need some more coffee.
  8. H

    First attempt - beef short ribs

    Man those look good!!
  9. H

    Memorial Day Rib Eyes

    Labor Day Rib Eyes Floated down the river with some friends and then did some steaks and corn on his Q and baked potatoes in the oven. I have never cooked on one before and it was a fun little grill!
  10. H

    Claw or not to Claw.

    i use a claw or a glove in one hand and a meat cleaver in the other.
  11. H

    Baby girl is 16, you know what means...

    Happy Birthday to Lauryn and great looking cook!!
  12. H

    Help for a weekend smoke

    I would do grilled things like grilled chicken, wings direct over low heat, steaks. Use your dry rub and sauces like you normally do though, which will give you the bbq base.
  13. H

    ABT idea

    I would put a bit of breakfast sausage in it and then wrap in bacon.
  14. H

    ABT idea

    dont use fake cheese that stuff is terrible and does not melt like cheese is supposed to.
  15. H

    Fire Roasted Strawberries

    Looks great and I am sure it tasted great!!
  16. H

    Simple steak cook

    Here are some pics from last night. Grilled some NY strips with just some kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper on them on the OTG. Steaks were served with baked potatoes and a salad.
  17. H

    First Day of School. Time for a Roast

    looks good to me!!!!
  18. H

    Everything Peachy for Number 2000

    great looking pie!!

