Some of you long time viewers know that my daughter, Lauryn, is a BBQ Jedi in training. She loves to help out with cooks and will be out with me at 5am putting food on the smoker with a smile on her face.
When I asked her what she wanted for her sweet 16 party she had a list already. Pulled Pork and ABT's!
How can a father say no to his daughter on her sweet 16??
I don't think I ever posted this, but my wife and daughter put these up near the patio door last summer. Makes me smile every time.
I got to work prepping up some boneless, skinless butts I got over at the Costco. Seasoned with my rub and in the fridge before heading out to the smoker at around 10:30pm.
I got Smoke2D2 set up with a full ring of Maple Leaf Briquettes and 3 fist sized chunks of apple wood. Hooked up the BBQ Guru and got some containers set up to protect the electronics since it was supposed to rain overnight. Cooker assembled and smoking away by about 11:30.
I think I went to bed at about midnight and slept straight through to about 8am. Went out to check on the butts and they looked like this. I added a Maverick probe to the butt on the top rack about this time, but I wasn't paying much attention to the temp of the pork at all this cook.
Later that day I made up some ABT's, this time I cut them in half and stuffed them, then used a full slice of bacon on them. I have to say, I much prefer this method to cutting the top off, trying to get all the seeds out, stuffing them, wrapping them and toothpicking them and having allot of the stuffing fall out. These were, according to everyone, the single best thing I've ever made on the BBQ since I found this site and started learning about all this cool stuff.
About the time they were going on the pork butts looked like this (16 hours, no foil). They got a bit of a rest, then foiled and into a cooler to hold.
After about 1.5 hours the ABT's looked like this. Let's just say they only looked like this for about 5 minutes before they were all gone.
I kept it pretty simple at dinner, a few sandwiches like this and a few cobs of corn, probably because I was wiped from cooking all day.
Baby girl seemed to enjoy it though, and that's all I wanted for the day
When I asked her what she wanted for her sweet 16 party she had a list already. Pulled Pork and ABT's!
How can a father say no to his daughter on her sweet 16??
I don't think I ever posted this, but my wife and daughter put these up near the patio door last summer. Makes me smile every time.

I got to work prepping up some boneless, skinless butts I got over at the Costco. Seasoned with my rub and in the fridge before heading out to the smoker at around 10:30pm.

I got Smoke2D2 set up with a full ring of Maple Leaf Briquettes and 3 fist sized chunks of apple wood. Hooked up the BBQ Guru and got some containers set up to protect the electronics since it was supposed to rain overnight. Cooker assembled and smoking away by about 11:30.

I think I went to bed at about midnight and slept straight through to about 8am. Went out to check on the butts and they looked like this. I added a Maverick probe to the butt on the top rack about this time, but I wasn't paying much attention to the temp of the pork at all this cook.

Later that day I made up some ABT's, this time I cut them in half and stuffed them, then used a full slice of bacon on them. I have to say, I much prefer this method to cutting the top off, trying to get all the seeds out, stuffing them, wrapping them and toothpicking them and having allot of the stuffing fall out. These were, according to everyone, the single best thing I've ever made on the BBQ since I found this site and started learning about all this cool stuff.

About the time they were going on the pork butts looked like this (16 hours, no foil). They got a bit of a rest, then foiled and into a cooler to hold.

After about 1.5 hours the ABT's looked like this. Let's just say they only looked like this for about 5 minutes before they were all gone.

I kept it pretty simple at dinner, a few sandwiches like this and a few cobs of corn, probably because I was wiped from cooking all day.

Baby girl seemed to enjoy it though, and that's all I wanted for the day