Everything Peachy for Number 2000


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
For my 1,000th post I did a dessert, rhubarb upside down cake on my WSM. Then followed it up the next day with the entrée. I'll do it backwards again for number 2000. I typically do the desserts earlier in the day and follow it up that evening with dinner. I'm doing a lamb dinner tonight, but won't get it posted until tomorrow. Did a peach pie on the WSM. The peaches up here right now, we buy from the roadside stands, are stellar. Once they are gone, that's it, no more for this year. Certainly not those rocks they sell in the stores. Anyway, here are a few quick pic's of my dessert for a dinner I haven't made yet!

Getting the bottom crust going, extra flaky dough.

Didn't do any action shots of making the filling as they were very similar to the peach cobbler post I did a week or so ago. Got the filling in the dish, dotted with some butter.

Got the upper crust on and sealed tightly to the lower crust.

On the WSM after I got the temp up to 400 degrees.

All done after an hour. Gave it a little extra time as I had a bit of trouble holding 400 today. 102 outside, no water in pan, all vents wide open and using my ATC. Go figure. Sorry about that shadow. Cooking under a tent.

In the house cooling. We'll eat some later this evening. That's it. Thanks for looking. Second part of post will be tomorrow.

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Awesome Cliff. I'm with you on those rocks they sell in the store. I gorge on the peaches when they're in season. I need to learn how to can them.
Looks good!!
This fall and winter season that's coming up I'm going to try to bake on the wsm.
Happy 2000! That pie looks awesome Cliff, Barb and I have been messin around with baking on the grill and have had great success so far. Haven't tried a pie yet but I think that's next after seeing yours.
Happy 2000! That pie looks awesome Cliff, Barb and I have been messin around with baking on the grill and have had great success so far. Haven't tried a pie yet but I think that's next after seeing yours.

Thanks Rich and Barb. Yes, I saw that delicious looking Peach Tart Barb made a few days ago. Good Luck!

