You guys needed something new to laugh at...Yes I dragged home another crazy grill!

Sorry for your loss Jon. Praying for you and your family.

The grill is pretty cool. Haven't ever seen anything like it.
Sorry to hear the sad news Jon. Our condolences from the Windy City. It will be in the low 30s next week, so dress warmly.
Weather report I recently saw indicated we'd see temps back to the 40's and 50's but now I see differently ugh. Not the nice gentle fall we had last year. I really hate this area. Really wish I could move away
Weather report I recently saw indicated we'd see temps back to the 40's and 50's but now I see differently ugh. Not the nice gentle fall we had last year. I really hate this area. Really wish I could move away


You sound like I do here in Florida in mid-May knowing that I have 5 months of 90/90 to look forward to (90%+ temperatures and 90%+ humidity:p). I did endure three Chicago winters including one where the actual temperature hit 27 below (-80 wind chill), so I know a little about it, but I admit it has been a while. We are still hitting the low to mid 80's in the late afternoon. 60 would be a lot better to me.
Weather report I recently saw indicated we'd see temps back to the 40's and 50's but now I see differently ugh. Not the nice gentle fall we had last year. I really hate this area. Really wish I could move away

As Nike says just do it. I left Boston in 1996 for ATL never regretted it for a minute cost of living down here a joke compared to up there. Miss the Cape though get up there one a year that's enough. :)
Too many ties for me to be able to leave. Plus I just spent nearly $30k on my house that I won't see on a resale :(
Only -27 Jon? That's short sleeves and flip flop weather :D Actually there are only a couple things that really for me make winter a total pain in the a$$. First early darkness. We should be on Eastern Time here or permanent 2 hour daylight saving time. I hate feeling like 17:00 is midnight, next the ice and snow. More than ANYTHING I hate ice and snow (and the filth that goes with it). last is the actual cold but if I could trade away the other stuff I would gladly endure the chill. Really as long as the wind isn't whipping along at 30 MPH plus even -15 to -20 is quite bearable.
As for COLA really the hardest thing here in Illinausia is the thieves in our state guvmint robbing us blind on property taxes. I really don't understand why every bit of infrastructure has to be born on the backs of property owners. Better to have a slightly higher income tax and let everyone share the misery
Too many ties for me to be able to leave. Plus I just spent nearly $30k on my house that I won't see on a resale :(
Only -27 Jon? That's short sleeves and flip flop weather :D Actually there are only a couple things that really for me make winter a total pain in the a$$. First early darkness. We should be on Eastern Time here or permanent 2 hour daylight saving time. I hate feeling like 17:00 is midnight, next the ice and snow. More than ANYTHING I hate ice and snow (and the filth that goes with it). last is the actual cold but if I could trade away the other stuff I would gladly endure the chill. Really as long as the wind isn't whipping along at 30 MPH plus even -15 to -20 is quite bearable.
As for COLA really the hardest thing here in Illinausia is the thieves in our state guvmint robbing us blind on property taxes. I really don't understand why every bit of infrastructure has to be born on the backs of property owners. Better to have a slightly higher income tax and let everyone share the misery

Larry totally get the ties my entire family still lives up there I am the only one that ever left but I married a southern girl she had been working in Boston we got married hated the weather up there dark at 4pm in the dead of the winter the cold the snow really wanted to get to FL she came home one day said hey I got a full living package to take a job in ATL we were gone 3 weeks later.

My mother told me when we left I would be back in a year that was 1996 hard on my parents cause no body ever moves away from there it seems but you know you start your own family and I am the oldest your immediate family is the priority. They visited many times over the years really enjoyed it here but in the summer they would say how could you live in this heat. This is kind of funny since they are sitting inside my house with central air when the house I grew up in built maybe 1930 a few air conditioners hanging out the windows really don't do much. Not so hot up there compared to down here obviously but don't anyone kid yourself there were plenty of days in the summer that house was an inferno inside even with those window air conditioners.
Yeah right about now a little "heat" would be nice. Even something to get into the 30's. Low teens right now, lots of ice around and a little snow. Tomorrow I am bound to drive into Chicago downtown (hate doing this) for my cousin's daughter's wedding. Right now wishing I hadn't RSVP'd positively. So far we've had a really shi%^y fall. Lots of wind/rain/cold no Indian Summer, no color either. Weather caused the trees to just dump leaves and of course instead of being able to dry out so I could mulch and or collect them to burn yard just had tons of wet, soggy leaved. Got out there Friday and managed to chop them up a little. Than of course bitter cold and snow.
ON a more positive note off topic.
Last night I told the little guy we could have a family movie night with dinner. Movie of choice was the new Beauty and The Beast with that Emma Watson (the then little girl from the Harry Potter series). Very enjoyable rendition, I never knew she had such a beautiful voice and oh boy did she grow up to be a beautiful young lady. Some of it was a little "dark" for an 8yo but he was ok. Hell the cartoons he watches on the kids network are scarier to me. Highly recommended
There are drawbacks to everything. I am not fond of Florida with its 90/90 weather but, the cold wet snow that the blower could not actually blow this morning was a pain! Between the tailings of leaves and whippets from my walnut tree and the wet snow I pushed a lot of winter scum! When it’s cold enough for snow to be flakes and not almost drops I actually find it fun, let alone the looks I get when neighbors see me out there at a grill or, smoker! Cocktail in one hand, tongs in the other, polar clothing! I know they think I’m nuts!
They think I am even more nuts as they'll see me out there in shorts, and light jacket or sweatshirt. I really don't get too bothered by cold until it gets under 20 and windy. I weird like that. Though oddly on Thursday when I was out chopping leaves on the tractor I didn't wear gloves and somehow managed to get a pretty bad chill deep in the bones. I actually turned on the new fire place about lunch time and kicked back ate lunch watched a little TV and warmed the old bones
It was about 20゚ last night at 8:00 p.m. when I was out my driveway in the dark grilling my Buffalo chicken wings on my Genesis 1000 in shorts and my house slippers. Oh, and it was snowing.
I’m generally pretty good until the wind starts to howl and is WET! I’ve been known to run the garbage to the curb in a bathrobe and slippers in the snow. More due to urgency (read stupidity) than anything else. If the grill is warm and my hands don’t get too cold, I’m generally pretty good in “normal” clothing for a while.
They think I am even more nuts as they'll see me out there in shorts, and light jacket or sweatshirt. I really don't get too bothered by cold until it gets under 20 and windy. I weird like that. Though oddly on Thursday when I was out chopping leaves on the tractor I didn't wear gloves and somehow managed to get a pretty bad chill deep in the bones. I actually turned on the new fire place about lunch time and kicked back ate lunch watched a little TV and warmed the old bones

That's what happens to me with my meds, if I get out in the cold and get really chilled it takes me hours to warm back up. That's why I put most of my grills and smoker in the hibernation mode. I can go out and cook a steak dressed up like an artic explorer in 20 degree weather and get completely chilled in the time it tales to cook the steak and be miserably cold for the rest of the evening.
Luckily we don't get a lot of snow and the saying here goes "What do you the day after it snows...Watch it melt."
Rich, sounds like AZ is a lot better location for you than Wisconsin. However, my old bones are getting a lot more used to the idea of leaving the midwest, which I love, for an area with better weather from November through March. The wife grew up in San Antonio, where I met her while stationed there in the Army. 27 years later, she is now voicing clear indications that the time to get back down that way is drawing near. My folks are both in their upper 80's now and I don't want to leave when my presence up here will be optimal. They are still in their own home, but they are starting to trend towards needing some real assistance pretty soon. If not for that, we would probably already be gone.
Understand that Bruce, both of our parents are gone. After living in southern calif for 42 years where the weather is perfect but the traffic, wild fires, congestion and earthquakes are horrible. Barb and I decided to retire early and move to Prescott where we built our dream home. I actually loved the four seasons here until my health declined and the only thing I don't like now is the cold and the snow, which we don't get a lot of.
We do miss the kids and grandkids but it's only a five hour drive to go and see them which we do a few times a year. Every time we go back I'm so glad we moved here it's a much slower pace and some beautiful places to go. We go to the grand canyon for lunch a couple of times a year. Lots of historical sites to visit and hiking trails every where. I can even take a 20 minuet ride and pan for gold.
No place is perfect but we are very happy here, with our two pups and 10 Weber's
Two dogs and ten Weber’s is probably a very good ratio.
We kind of have the reverse problem, wife’s son and squeeze have provided a pair of wonderful grandchildren which we have a lot of time with, being away from the, would be difficult for my wife.
It would be pretty hard for me too, who am I kidding!?
Besides, trying to pack all the twelve pounds of stuff I have packed into this ten pound house into a different one might fry my brains! Moving all that charcoal!?
Glad I’m just sitting by the fire, even if it is a little cool back here.
Tim, I know exactly what you're talking about. Our dream house we built was 2600 Sf with a three car extra deep garage. Also had 1400 SF unfinished storage area on the bottom floor. We moved to a 1605 Sf home with a standard 2 car garage and no additional storage. We are so tight on space I have lump charcoal stored in one of the bedrooms.
My garage looked like something you would see on the Pickers show. We've lived here 4 years and I finally can get both cars in the garage now but it's still floor to ceiling stuff.
My wife and I love to vacation at the beach in Florida and Alabama. Sometimes we think about moving there permanently. We love the weather. Summer is hot but we both prefer the heat to the cold.

But we have the same problem as some of you. We would be leaving our family who still love mostly here in SW Missouri. And it would be hard for me to leave our house that we've raised our kids in, that is 100% paid off, and that we've fixed up with retirement in mind. So I'm sure we'll be here the rest of our lives.

Which isn't so bad. Winters are cold but not anything like up north. I don't think I could handle those frigid temps. Southwest Missouri is a beautiful place. And only about a 12 hour drive from the Alabama beaches.

