WSM Roadside Sticks & Thighs


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Bryan's famous recipe was used today, both as a marinade (eight hours) and a baste...
using the WSM is GREAT! Skip the water bowl and use a full chinmey of your favourite fuel...

while it's going, you may want to add more of your other favourite fuel...

turning the bird limbs every five minutes and continuing to baste...


musta turned and basted 'bout nine times... so, i figure, they're done.

They Look & Smell Terrific! Plated with george's favourite greens and WSM baked Yukons...


0hYeaH, Roadside's Great Stuff! Thanks Again Bryan!

and Thank You for visiting!
Mighty fine Roadside Chicken Jim!

Great idea using the panless WSM when one doesn't feel like chasing the flames!
(with rsc, I usually burn a piece or 3)

dig the new MHL cans too!
Looks great Jim. Have some RSC marinating right now. Also gonna try out the pineapple on a spinner today as well for dessert.
Fantastic looking yardbird pieces, Jim! Roadside is my favorite chicken recipe. Never tried it on the WSM. Looks like it works really well. Love that green stuff on the plate too!
w0w! Thanks folks

Tom, hope your pineapple turning is GREAT!
Moes, of course you're not sure about the glass
Jim - Thanks for posting this. It's good to know that rsc comes in other colors besides black. When I chase the rsc flames on the kettle, I always lose. And then the family is not happy. Can't wait to try it on the WSM. How long were they on the smoker?

more thanks for more nice comments

Pete, i think about 35 to 45 minutes... I did temp probe them and my world's fastest <span class="ev_code_GREEN">green</span> thermapen read 168ºF

