Withdrawl has set in



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
It has been about three weeks since I last worked on a grill. The CL and FB adds have all but dried up around here and now it seems like the Weber Gas Grill forum is slowing down considerably. Or is that just me suffering the affects of withdrawal?

As a quick fix, I plan on doing some Fajita meat and onion/pepper mixings on the Red Head 1000 tonight. I have never done them on a grill before, but I figure it will be a great way to keep the mess from splatter out of the kitchen when trying to braise them at high heat. Actually, I haven't even tried making them for many years but I have been having a hankering for them lately and figure doing them on the grill will allow me to feed the "dragon" as well.

I can see this is going to be a long tough winter.
Think about expanding out to other Webers besides gassers. Stock up on a few major projects to work on over the winter. 1000's with wood, and all that.
Get a heater in the garage so you can pop out there for a couple of hours a day. - All things I am doing this winter. Ad traffic has really slowed here also. Heading
to Harbor Freight tomorrow for a heater that fits on a propane tank. I am picking up project # 19 for the winter tomorrow. I don't plan to get anymore, unless its
just to good of a deal to pass up. I have a good mix of MBH kettles, Performers, and Gassers. I have 3 22WSM's that I will be selling in the next week and that may
be it for the year. My only other ads are not getting any looks. SO I might pull them down and wait until Spring to repost.
If my garage was fully insulated, I would probably do that. I have a 100,000 BTU propane Reddy Heater and it would easily heat the garage. However, with no insulation in the roof/ceiling, it isn't really feasible to do regularly.

I am considering doing a WSM one of these days if I find a good deal on one. I passed on $25 one a month or so ago and regret that now. After looking into it, most used ones go for $100 or more and I don't think they are that hard to clean up and fix up for a flip.

I think Dave has some good suggestions to keep you from feeling totally detached. I will try to keep you entertained with my bizarre collection of sure to lose $ but fun anyway projects. Plenty of grills for sale here as temperatures are slowly easing from the high 80's. November is a great time to grill out in South Florida:cool:. I couldn't resist and picked up a One-Touch Platinum kettle - the one Rich calls the "platypus." It has a four leg frame and two semi-circle side tables. The part I especially like is that the handle is on the front and it opens by sliding into a slide a side holder in the back. The vent is dead center on the top. You seldom see these around here. I passed on one a year or so ago that was in Orlando (120 miles+ one way). There was one other on OfferUp with shipping but the seller refused to ship. So, when one finally popped up in my county I decided it was fate:eek:!

I will post picture, etc. under the charcoal grill section when I can. And, I haven't forgotten my Sunbeam insanity grill I have tucked away out of sight in my Weber graveyard shed.

My mother-in-law, who stays with us along with my father-in-law, is 89 and appears to be slipping away rapidly. Things are obviously a little in a turmoil, so wood slat work for finally finishing my Skyline hasn't gone the way I planned. It is still like summer here, and when I was staining out on my deck the other evening in the twilight hour, the bugs became too much to handle and I had to quit a little past halfway. (We would love to have a Wisconsin freeze come along and put them out of action for a while!)

Hang in there Bruce! We will keep the chats going through the winter:D!

Jon, I will be looking forward to your posts as well as everyone else. I am happy you guys can work on your grills year round. Some day, I will likely wind up below the Mason Dixon line. My wife is from San Antonio and has already planned our retirement back south.
I'm lucky even though we have cold winters here in the mountains I have a winter hobby, for the past 50 years I've been involved with model railroading. When we downsized I had no room for my 24' x19' layout so I built a little switching layout in our spare bedroom. Last winter we decided and I say we because Barb works on it with me all the time. She is an expert model builder and built every one of the 62 buildings we had on our large layout. Including interiors and lighting.
So we will be hanging out in the warm bedroom working on the expansion of our little switching layout.

These are not toy trains! These are computer controlled by DCC (Digital Command Control) each engine has it's own address and is controlled individually.
[/url]100_4107 (3) by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

Each engine has it's own computer and is controlled by the hand held controllers you saw in the first picture. That includes sounds such as air horn, bells, engine sounds, Etc. Having individual control of each engine I can run multiple engines on the same track.
There not cheap, each engine cost between $275 to $800.

[/url]100_4124 by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

Even have my own brewery.
[/url]100_4118 (2) by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

The addition

[/url]100_4112 (2) by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

You can see some of the buildings Barb has built.

[/url]100_4113 (2) by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

Barb even painted the backdrop

[/url]100_4121 (2) by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

Let the snow fly!
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That is just totally cool. What a spectacular setup. I knew maybe a little that you could control trains to do different things, but I never heard of an advanced setup like that!

Your dioramas are beautiful like your grill restores:D. And, that collection goes along with your collection of charcoal and gas cookers. You are blessed to have a wife who seems to enjoy all your hobbies with you:cool:!

I will let you know when I have something to post about getting a "platypus." Your posts about yours kept it fresh on my dream list:eek:. If my wife complains, I will tell her that you are partly to blame:rolleyes:!
Jon, I will be looking forward to your posts as well as everyone else. I am happy you guys can work on your grills year round. Some day, I will likely wind up below the Mason Dixon line. My wife is from San Antonio and has already planned our retirement back south.

Well, when you guys are enjoying mild late spring weather or even nice summer days, it is hard to cope with the 90 degree+ heat working on grills out in the sun. I try to hide and do what I can under a tree!

The dream would be to have a barn or even a large shed with heat and or a/c depending on location and big enough to accommodate a series of "work stations" - a mini paint booth, a wash down area with running hot and cold water and drain, and lots of shelves with parts all organized...Maybe someday:)
Bruce, while I have a number of projects lined up for the winter, I am also going to try and use this time
to read a little more and post a little more also. I have a wife, kids that are grown and starting families of
their own, a full time plus some job, along with all the other distractions of the world. I find it extremely
difficult at times to find the time to work, flip, read, learn, and all that goes with it. I am still a newb here
but I am looking forward to a little bit of a break, to be able to trade information, swap stories, and learn
from the tremendous sources of knowledge that post here.
So what brand type trains are they? I actually still have the American Flyer set my parent gave me when I was 3. One of my sister's was born 10 days before Christmas that year (1954) and they knew it was coming but they didn't know how to keep a 3 yo "entertained" with a new baby in the house. So the American Flyer set was given to me. Dad set it up on the unheated back porch of our 2 flat in Chicago and I was entertained for hours. All bundled up in a coat and snow pants. Didn't matter that porch was so cold. I was warm. I was traveling :D
Rich, that looks like “N” gauge to me, am I correct?

Tim it's HO.

So what brand type trains are they? I actually still have the American Flyer set my parent gave me when I was 3. One of my sister's was born 10 days before Christmas that year (1954) and they knew it was coming but they didn't know how to keep a 3 yo "entertained" with a new baby in the house. So the American Flyer set was given to me. Dad set it up on the unheated back porch of our 2 flat in Chicago and I was entertained for hours. All bundled up in a coat and snow pants. Didn't matter that porch was so cold. I was warm. I was traveling :D

Larry there are to many to really name but a few are Atlas, Athearn, Kato, Bachman Spectrum. Walters.

Here is a few pictures of our large layout that is no more. FYI there were over 1000 lights on the layout you can see some of the street lights that were on, They were powered by a giant Malibu light timer.

[/url]DSCF0060 by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]DSCF0015 by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]

This was one of Barbs projects. She took an old passenger car and converted it into a dinner complete with interior tables and people seated inside.
DSCF0057 by
Richard Dahl, on Flickr

Sorry Bruce I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I'll be a good boy now.
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LOL, I have enjoyed reading all the posts. No worries.

I figured that also Bruce, you got a long winter ahead guessing you hope we don't go into hibernation for the winter either. You really need to move south of the mason dixon line though best time of the year for rehabbing grills. 90's are gone we are now in the 60's. :)
Boy I don't know what to tell you Bruce, I hate the cold, although it's 76 here today the but cold is coming. This morning it was 40 when I walked Whitney, to me that's cold. I'm sure you think I'm nuts but it took me about two hours to warm up (meds). If it's below 35 I won't leave the house, hence my indoor hobby. I'm not much of a TV fan and living in AZ it's hard to be a sports fan with the lousy teams here. So I know where your at.
Another thing I enjoy is finding new recipes for my indoor Weber (slow cooker) gotta eat so I spend some time each day surfing the web on the prowl for something that I think Barb and I might like.
I made up a recipe for the indoor weber for a smoked brisket chili that was quite good, it's posted in Photo Gallery.
Hang out here too, we will try to keep you entertained as best we can.
For guys like me and Bruce 40's is shirtsleeve and shorts weather LOL. Fantastic train set ups. I have also some very tiny (smaller than HO) ones. Been toying around selling them. Ex wife gave me a lot of them current wife still hates I have things from ex even though we've been married 33 years
For guys like me and Bruce 40's is shirtsleeve and shorts weather LOL. Fantastic train set ups. I have also some very tiny (smaller than HO) ones. Been toying around selling them. Ex wife gave me a lot of them current wife still hates I have things from ex even though we've been married 33 years

Those are more than likely N scale. Depending on how old they are N scale is getting more popular as people are downsizing their homes so they be worth something.

