Got the new TempSpike today and like any kid, I couldn't not play with it.
I thought about starting a new thread but hey, why not keep this one all together and I'm sure a number of others are following.
So this may seem like a corny review but I had to improvise with what I had on hand so, here we go:
I found the probe and base nearly full charged so in less than 30 min I was ready to go.
Connectivity....... Was super easy. I scanned the QR code and it took me directly to Google Play (Android) and I installed the app. Chose 'Add Devise' and it connected, east as that. Now that both internal and ambient temps were updating on my phone, I wanted to play with the range a little bit. My home has a walk out basement where the patio is and the garage in front at ground level. I went up the stairs, though the house and out into the garage and never lost the blue tooth signal. WooHoo! Now that's not saying I can walk across the street and have a beer with the neighbor and stay connected but I was sure smiling. Maybe more on range later.
Accuracy......... To start with I put the probe on the grill grate of my gasser along side the #1 and #2 probes of my TP-20 at ambient conditions for about thirty minutes.
And here's what I got.
That is good enough for the girls I go with, and knowing that the TP20 ambient probe is a little crusty.
Next , I had some Johnsonville Original Brats left over from Thursday nights Chiefs game. Hey, I didn't have that chicken yet so I had to improvise. And man, I had to check this thing out. So, two probes in a Brat and let's see what happens.
Set the grill up for in-direct in the middle, side burners on low.
After fifteen minutes.
The ambient temp sensor in the TempSpike lagged behind the TP-20 considerably, very slow coming up to grill temp, TP-20 was almost instant.
After twenty-five minutes.
The ambient temp of the temp spike was definitely lower than the TP-20. If given more time would they come together? My guess is not. But then again, I'm not anal on pit temp like I am on internal temp so I will just be aware of the discrepancy.
Guys, please take this half-assed review with a grain of salt. After all, the probe was just stuck into one bratwurst and I was just having fun checking this thing out.
Now to get a little color on these and eat before TNF.