Whole wings or separated?


Alan Soden

Do you trim the tip and cook the whole rest of the wing? Or do you separate them into drumette's and middle sections? Any benefit to leaving whole besides the effort?
I'm pretty serious about separating them and cutting off the tip. I can't stand them whole unless they are fried and even then I'm not that big a fan. They should be split! Is there a real benefit? Easier to dip both halves into blue cheese. To me they are mostly tasty blue cheese spoons!!
I do them both ways, depends on how lazy I am at the time.
If whole, then I at least cut the skin flap.
Just wish I could remember to do this, but never do:

I cut the tips off then cook them whole. I think they stay moister that way....more moist? More moister? :cool:
i keep the whole wing intact. i think it makes for a more flavorful wing. plus, i like the tips to be a bit burned to nibble on.
I do them both ways, depends on how lazy I am at the time.
If whole, then I at least cut the skin flap.
Just wish I could remember to do this, but never do:

thanks so much BOB - had never seen this before but will definitely do this in the future.
Ah, the magic twist. Need to try that thanks for the video. Never had the whole wing, became curious due to this Weber page

Great feedback, you guys always expand my horizons. Will try some whole wings next time (even the tips :)). Stuck with separating them last night. Marinated in pineapple juice and soy sauce overnight. Added some sesame oil then after a high temp indirect cook tossed them with Frank's mixed with butter, chili powder, and black pepper.

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