What is your 2014 BBQ new years resolution? *****

I saw this on another site and it had some good replies so thought would do it here.

I want to step out of the box and do some different things other tan the usual butt, chicken, brisket and ribs.

On the 1st will be doing my first little pig at work. Guys at fire station talked me into it. Told them no guarantees.

I am on a weight loss journey of 100+ lbs this year as well so with that comes eating less bbq or finding other options to smoke/grill. Already down 30 lbs in last couple months.
I would also like to try to cook a whole pig sometime this year. I would also like to try to incorporate some different flavors into my bbq. I need to try some new methods instead of always doing what works, but that's hard when people like your bbq a certain way.
My goal for 2014 is the complete the mods I never started on my 26er in 2013. I am going to use the 26 more often and in different ways even if it means the cover dosen't come the WSM.
I plan to try new territory through use of some of the great cookbooks I have. More fish, authentic dishes based on regions, maybe fowl I've not tried cooking like Duck or Pheasant. Expanding my horizons so to speak.
Keep my family happy and healthy.

Work on our financial situation and make it better for our future.

Make a meatloaf which I have never eaten before. Do a fattie and other cooks I have seen posted and do them within 2 weeks so I don't forget.

Maybe lose 10-15 pounds :)
I'm 205 now
After moving three times in three years we are now in our forever home. I feel very fortunate to have learned as much as I have in the short time I’ve been on this forum. Now I can concentrate on perfecting my new found skills and advance my cooking to new levels.
Since I joined this place, year after year I always said to my Sons I wanted to try making bacon, yet I always chickened out.
This year I'm gonna do it! And this thread holds me accountable.

my new years resolution is to never shovel snow again
it's started again....
we're expecting 4 to 6 inches overnight

better show liz where the shovels are.
I plan on designing and building an outdoor kitchen/bar/dining area to enjoy with my family.

I have a perfect spot for it, with plenty of room to to go out from the house in two directions. HOPE to do this early in the Spring, so we can use and enjoy it this Summer.

Will probably start a thread here (in the WSM mod's section? Any better place?). I have a general idea of what I want t do, and a really rudimentary idea of how to do it. I'm sure I'll have a thousand questions when the time comes.

Happy New Year to all.
My resolution is to get the CI back out and start doing more complete cooks! Whether it be one if by kettle or two if by WSM. I've seen so many good ideas in the two weeks I've been on this site I'm on overload. Going to do Tony R's carne assada recipe Sunday for the playoffs! Thx to everyone and happy new year.
I lost about 30 lbs in 2013. I want to lose another 30 in 2014. I also want to attend some BBQ events on my bucket list.
On my list for 2014 is trying PSB for the first time.
Want to use the smoker/grills for more salmon and fish.
Use the kettles more for pizzas this year.
Try making different sausages other than brats and andouille.
Make more homemade bacon.
And finally try to perfect our competition chicken thighs.

