What is this utensil?



New member
Hey everyone, new around here and have a question regarding the attached photos.

Do any of you know what that utensil is? The hole in the middle is larger than an egg and the edge is not sharpened, but you wouldn't want to run your finger over it.

Any help is appreciated.



Hi, and welcome!

I'm also thinking some sort of peeler, like you would draw something through the opening. The oval shape confuses me.

I looked at a bunch of obscure bartending utensils but didn't see anything similar.
Since it's made in Italy, I am going to go with a pasta / spaghetti measuring device. Like the hole found in your typical pasta fork.
First thought was to lift a boiled egg out of hot water but the handle seems short to be held over boiling water with a bare hand.
If it's off an airplane it may be some kind of tool a flight attendant would use for opening pop tops. As a former flight attendant I can tell you personally I carried a small tool for this as popping all those cans and having to do it SLLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY so as not to give my passengers a shower the tab tool was indispensable. Because the first time as a new FA you open a can that was loaded by catering on your plane and forget this step you will never forget it LOL. The can is pressurized at ground lever and now you're at cruising altitude. You cannot believe the pressure difference
Since it's made in Italy, I am going to go with a pasta / spaghetti measuring device. Like the hole found in your typical pasta fork.

Well, this was my initial thought, too. But most dedicated spaghetti measuring devices have more than one hole and don't have that sharp edge. And the holes are round, not oval.
I wonder if it's for cutting oblong shapes out of fresh pasta sheets like for jumbo shells?

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I wonder if it's for cutting oblong shapes out of fresh pasta sheets like for jumbo shells?

I was thinking along those lines too, like a pasta or pastry cutter, did some searching and found nothing like it.
Since it's made in Italy I think we're all trying to tie it to Italian food.
Determined to learn what it is, I threw the pic on Facebook. The general consensus suggests it's a dieter's spoon :rolleyes:

