What’s with the pop up ads?

I, as well. I'm wondering if this is part of the current ads themselves, and really nothing to do w/ Chris. Just a new delivery method.
I have a local DNS-based ad blocker (pi-hole) which has successfully been blocking bad ads for years. Starting yesterday afternoon, I was getting ads everywhere I went on the web, including here.
Today, things are back to normal...
I do not run pop-up ads this forum. I am using the Chrome browser and I'm not seeing any pop-ups.

I suppose it could be some sort of hiccup with Google Ads.
Chris, I just got one when I clicked on this thread. The browser blurred so no forum content was visible until the ad was cleared. Gonna have to screenshot the window for you, but it's awfully clear by the dialog box that it's an ad. BTW, this is on a Linux laptop, with very few extensions or tools added.
I've been getting them the last couple days as well. Using Safari. I thought I was accidentally clicking something, but it's been fairly consistent.
What Bradley Mack posted. My ad has different contents, but note the ad arrow in the lower left hand corner.
I am getting them also, using Chrome. Get them when I first log on. I have to clear the add twice each time. Started doing this 4-5 days ago.
None here. Could it be your own ISP? I have been viewing on Edge and Chrome with my Windows 10 computers and also Chrome with my Chromebook, but always with Xfinity
Could it be your own ISP?
I've thought about this, and DNS injection. With HTTPS being the default protocol for nearly all sites, HTML injection is almost a thing of the past. It's an end-to-end encryption intended to stop or prevent man in the middle attacks (which would be an ISP injecting ads into web pages.) If you do have evidence of ISP injections, then consider any traffic through your ISP to be compromised.

I'm about 90% convinced that this is a new ad delivery method from Google, and it's buried in their ad streams. And I do not like it.
I've been getting them for the past couple of days. They are a bit annoying, but I just close them down and get on with it. I'm using Chrome.
Logged into Google AdSense. I can see that Google is running a experiment on something called vignette ads. "Vignette ads are full screen ads that appear between page loads. We predict that using vignette ads could help you earn 20% more on average."

I am trying to figure out how to turn off this experiment.

