Got some updates:
Even with the overpowered manifold, I found I could get a consistent 270°F
indicated (perfect for smoking) by using a pot of water to eat some of that heat.
Got some pork ribs and some brisket. The problem I've noticed is that while the middle/top of the grill has the right temperature, the stuff is undercooked on the bottom. I could either raise the meats up, or maybe once the propane manifold is in, have it on low. I need to figure this out, b/c this is the 2nd time it's been an issue while trying to smoke meats.
I have the manifold on order, along with the tank scale in the correct orientation. The issue is the side burner probably also needs an LP manifold, but weber doesn't list it on their
parts diagram for the LP grill.
I need the side burner on low: I rendered the tallow in the kitchen and it stank up the place, but when I remembered I had the side burner and tried it, suddenly it started burning.
All that said this grill is AWESOME. Having the side tables is a game changer, having that much grill space is also awesome. I will be VERY happy once everything is in and put together, and hopefully this will last me a LONG time.
Also weber sent me a replacement lid, but neither the color nor anything else match the original. I don't know if they accidentally sent the wrong one, or if they're just sending different newer flimsier lids as replacements. Once I get the motivation I'll cal them and speak with them.
One more thing, I have a rotisserie and bracket, but one of the bolts for the rotisserie bracket rusted off and I need a replacement. Weber doesn't list this part on their website, I could just use a regular bolt, but the one from weber has a non-threaded portion that goes inside the grill. I also need a generic rotisserie bar that will fit the Summit B4.... Does someone have a recommendation?