Weber Skyline Restored



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
I thought I would put up this restore thread on a Skyline I did a couple years ago. It was one of my favorite builds and I went all out with black knobs, black handles and even a Weber Rotisserie. I sold this to a guy about 4 hours away in another state and he was buying it for his hunting cabin. I shudder to think of it sitting out in the middle of the woods with snow leaves and squirrel nests in it right now. I got $400 for it and I really don't think the guy cared a bit about the Skyline logo or any of the other extras. I probably could have sold him a plain old Redhead for the same price :confused:









That one was a true beauty! It would have been really hard for me to let that one go! I am glad you at least did extra well money-wise, even if the buyer didn’t really appreciate what he was getting.
Skyline Club Members: Let's post our restores!

Hey SKYLINE CLUB Members, why don't we beat the winter blues and (re)post our Skyline restorations?

I can't show much in the way of "before" pictures, because my Skyline was cobbled together from pieces from a number of grills.

Here is sweep of my Chicago Skyline, complete with a Chicago White Sox badge that also features the Chicago Skyline. A fun connection for me due to grad school, starting my professional career in Chicago, and most of all because my wife is from there - well, Palos Hills as I like to remind her:rolleyes:!


Showing off what POR-15 can do.


I went all out and even painted the "Weber" name and surround white, just like their newer logo. It was a pain to do, and I decided that would probably be the last time. A red kettle is all that really matters...I was also happy to find a good home for my original Weber handle light - a $10 thrift store find!


It just went so well with this grill:coolkettle:!


Probably the coolest thing about my Skyline is the red oak stained with dark walnut as I saw someone else here do. LOTS of spar urethane to protect that vulnerable oak. I also used marine grade 316 stainless screws and stainless z bars because here in Florida most of these old Weber shelves are rusted out toast!


Bruce beat me to it, but great minds run in the same something or other as I was planning on it as well. I always felt that the handle/tool hook end-caps on the later Silver/Gold grills were a welcome improvement and wanted to incorporate them into my Skyline.


I also really liked the short run at the end of the Silver era when Weber started using black knobs and handles. I was really glad to be able to do this on my Skyline. I think it adds a lot to the dark, "urban" look I was trying for.


I really wanted the classic 13-bar firebox and was disappointed at the time that I couldn't use a Silver frame to do this.


Another treasure I was saving for just the right grill!

A few more pics to follow...
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"rcplanebuyer" Dave Santana 304 stainless flavorizer bars and a set of early Weber cast iron grates - no porcelain plating to chip off.




A Florida Chicago Skyline;)


Maiden voyage grilling steaks on Christmas Eve night for my son's birthday

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Probably the coolest thing about my Skyline is the red oak stained with dark walnut as I saw someone else here do.

Jon, that has been the best look I have seen matched up with black. It has been
my favorite since you originally posted it. I am about done redoing that old black
greasy mess I picked up a couple of months ago. I tried to redo the original redwood
but was not please with the outcome. I am headed to the lumber yard today to pick
up a new 1x2. I will most likely buy the red oak, and copy that exact look, however,
I do plan to look at a few other types of wood.

My Styline lid is currently wrapped and stored, but this was it on my 2000/3000 from
back in the fall .....

Yep, that fresh oak is a nice modification to the durawood that came with these grills. I also like you Jon and Dave both have the 3000 versions of the grill.

It almost looks like the red kettle on the badge is mandatory for Skyline rebuilds.
I'll never pass up the chance to post my Skyline pics! It was a long round trip to Indiana but worth it. I kept it stock with the durawood (which cleans up superbly under the blast of a power washer! My Skyline 3200 has been under wraps since restoring.

Now, I may be selling off my Weber fleet in the the spring, to raise funds for the SmokeFire. Then I'll be keeping only the Skyline and the 22 coal burner. And maybe the Q. And maybe the Blue Silver... And.... AGH WEBERITIS!!!!





(Since these pics I have added the red kettle detail on the emblem)

I would be out in the garage tonight working on my Weber JR. wood slats but the 7 degrees thing is too much.


My late brother's favorite team since the we were kids


I started this thread to be part of the sticky grill rehab thread. I don't mind all the other photos and comments, but I encourage everyone to start their own build thread and add the tag keywords so it shows up when someone searches for Skyline rehab threads.

Chris was nice enough to set this up for us and it is a great resource for someone looking for grill rehab info.
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Been waiting for this for a long time.

Nice touch adding those knobs. Did you rob those off a Spirit,
or buy them specifically for the Skyline?

Dave - I buy them from 2 for $5.75. Cheap I know, but I love the look and have used them on a couple grills. I always think of them as Spirit knobs (91333) but grill parts calls them Silver parts. Regardless they are interchangeable. I think I had to cut the stem b/c they were on the long side but I don't remember and am NOT going out "THERE" to look even though we have a heat wave and it's now "up to" 18 degrees lol. Go Chiefs I hope they beat the Niners (assuming Green Bay's goose is cooked)
That’s a gorgeous Skyline. Thanks for adding to our look back thread. Before you sell that thing, let me know. I have family in the Chicago area and would love to recommend it.

I didn’t mean to mess up your idea. This entire thread would still be a great one for a Restored Skyline tag. If you haven’t done it already, I will add it.

I think it is pretty cool how each of us gave our own spin to the Skyline look:cool:!
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John no big deal. I already added the tags. I just thought it would be cool to have them all in separate threads. They can all be accessed through the same link on the sticky thread

- - - Updated - - -

It certainly did turn into a pretty cool skyline thread though
Got one last year I was going to restore. Gave $25 to a CL seller for it. Got it home and tore it down to find some major frame rust after removing the box. So I decided to save it until I can get a doner frame from another grill. Manifold also had more rust than usual, and the control panel was clouded beyond fixing. Some body had swapped out the regulator and just used a nipple fitting on the manifold with a hose clamp. Kinda scary. Have since pilfered the condiment rack and sliding table support for my personal 1000. Ill probably still use what’s left but it won’t be a complete Skyline. My Sister wants a gasser so it will probably end up there after I get it refurbed a bit.
Is the Skyline a deep box or shallow box grill. IF a deep box I have a couple control panels with minimal to no fade
I thought I would put up this restore thread on a Skyline I did a couple years ago. It was one of my favorite builds and I went all out with black knobs, black handles and even a Weber Rotisserie. I sold this to a guy about 4 hours away in another state and he was buying it for his hunting cabin. I shudder to think of it sitting out in the middle of the woods with snow leaves and squirrel nests in it right now. I got $400 for it and I really don't think the guy cared a bit about the Skyline logo or any of the other extras. I probably could have sold him a plain old Redhead for the same price :confused:









Love it!

