Weber Grill Restaurant is hiring in St. Louis


Chris Allingham

Staff member
The Weber Grill Restaurant has 100 positions to fill at its new location in St. Louis, MO.

Very good, I hadn't heard anything lately and was worried the project had died.
Hope to review it later this year.
Bob, come out of retirement and put in an need to teach the young bucks how to do pork steaks right!!!:cool:
Mike, you beat me to this response by 2 hours and 10 minutes.

however, I don't think an application would be required... just show'em a few of your cooks...
Bob, I did the honour of starting your application for you... you just need to fill out page two.



oh yeah, don't forget to date it and sign it!
James, you are nuts!
Must be the cold medicine??

At first I thought that Hefty was for my weight. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but I have a full time job cooking for my still working wife.
Maybe next year when she retires and gets tired of seeing me all day, every day.
If Weber is like most company's they would find out that Bob is a master of the grill exceeding in all areas, so they would probably give him a job filling water glasses.
Just for giggles I filled out a application for part time work at Home Depot. I have 38 years of experience in the telecommunications industry with a background of telecommunications, power and engineering building additions for new power plants.
They offered me a job in the paint dept. Ah no thanks,
Funny, just now as I was reading you guys BS about my grilling abilities I got a text from my son.
On his way home from night shift this morning he saw the large red kettle for the restaurant going down the highway.
He said it looked 5 times bigger than a Rancher, but not as big as the one in Chicago.

If you have not already eaten at one of these restaurants you need to go, I have been to the one in Indy a couple times and it is pretty good, plus they gave me a tour or at least a look into the kitchen that line of ranches is cool to see impressive.
Plus you could see how you would fit in and talk over your Hefty rage.

