Weber Genesis Platinum, I bought in Wausau,Wisconsin. Will be drastically modified.

As this is getting close to being fired up, it's time to deal with the height issue for your wife to start grillin'. Instead of lowering the grill, raising your wife with a nice gift that matches might be the right way to go. I figure about a two inch lift with these:
Bruce, what's this mod that people are mentioning ????
Nevermind, I found the mod you did.
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No, I don't think I ever really highlighted it in that thread. I think I posted it in another thread though.

Basically, I just stole the little igniter bracket mount off an old Genesis E310 burner, then I spot welded it on a Genesis 1000 tube and now I can slide a ceramic igniter onto it just like if it was a Genesis E310 burner. Since the Genesis 1000 cook box isn't designed for the ceramic igniter, it is not quite as accessible and easy to change out, but still pretty simple. Besides, I expect it to last quite a while compared to the collector box ones.

I will see if I have photos or anything later.
I remember discussing it - but I have no idea what thread it was in.... there was even talk about just using a hose clamp to hold it to the tube.

I don't know why someone hasn't made a GOOD SS collector box for the ignitor that would last 15-20 years....
Here you go, I found the thread:


