Weber Genesis 1200 Skyline grill

Hi Steve, I use a cut off wheel on a grinder. Stainless is hard so I go through a couple of wheels.

I use an existing Silver B sized grate for a template and make a score on the material with the cut off wheel.

Takes about 20 to 30 minutes to do 2 grids.
Sounds doable if I can find some Summit grates. I'm sure new ones are really expensive.
I am trying to reuse or repurpose expensive 9mm grates that I salvage.

It might not be practical to buy a set of new grates and cut them. Better off dealing with the root cause of the issue which is a worn out firebox
I still might end up chucking this cookbox. I don't know yet. I didn't want to because it's otherwise in perfect condition but I may get over it.
OK, after going through the three grills that I have in my possession I think I have a game plan. The grill on my patio is in the best shape of the three so that one is going to supply the bones of my skyline rebuild. I am going to combine the best parts of the other two grills to make a platinum series grill for every day use.
I'm sitting in the garage listening to the Bulls on the radio and indulging my obsession with details. Rusty grill axle not acceptable, so give it a ride in the drill. I use 80, 120, then 220 grit sandpaper to make it nice and shiny again. A couple coats of clear coat spray paint will keep it that way for years. 20221102_193754.jpg20221102_195858.jpg20221102_195915.jpg
I used to do that on rehabs, but unless it is in pretty tough shape, I don't any more. It really isn't that big of a deal to do. But, I would have to invest in another can of clear coat if I wanted to do it again. I probably should do that.
I probably wouldn't bother on a rehab either, I'm sure most people don't care. Besides, you still have to have another cap to put it back together unless you know how to get them off intact, I don't. Of course, if you are taking the wheels off anyway to paint a frame then even a guick spin of the axle in your drill will make it look new long enough to sell it even without the clear coat.20221102_210933.jpg
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You can buy those. I did a couple years ago but I don't remember where.
I still have some extra from new wheels, they give you two for each wheel. I did find some other ones online when I was looking for the white ones that go on the glide axle.
I cleaned out the cookbox a little bit. I'm going to use it every day in the spring so no need to go crazy. I still need to reinforce the area around the bolt with JB weld.20221104_200034.jpg
That one looks like it is going to be a real beauty😎. You are doing a great job, and I like your ideas. There is something special about taking something that most people would push to the curb and bringing it back to 100%. And when it is something as enjoyable to use - and even just look at - as a Weber grill, that special feeling is all the better.

We will be watching for it to come together. I am racing against cold shutting me down, too.

