weber briquettes? are they worth $12 for a 20 lb bag ?

I loved the stuff and I justify $15 a bag when they still sold it. If I found it for $12 a bag I would be picking up 3 or 4 or maybe the whole lot!!!
Are they not making them? Still very common here in Alberta...see them all the time. Unfortunately...also $20 (C).
I have 4 bags in my basement and 2 in my garage that I got when Home Depot was clearing them a few years back (for, like, $4 a bag). Still have yet to try it (but I think EricV has convinced me). :D
Another big fan of Weber briquettes here! I bought about 30 bags @ around $4 when they were on close out a few years ago but they are long gone.😟
I just picked up 3 bags at our Home Depot here in Vancouver Canada @ $19.99 a bag.
Their website shows over 100 bags in stock at this store.

Other retail stores are selling it from $22.99 - $24.99
Side by side. Kingsford comp left, Weber on the right. Lit a mixed chimney of both on the E330.

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Judging from a video I seen the weber charcoal briquettes seem to be comparably in size with the B&B competition oak.
weber briqs are MUCH larger than b&b comp oak.... at least the weber briqs i've used were.
I have one bag left of weber briqs and not liking the idea of running out.
now i only use kingsford pro since weber stopped production.

if weber were to again be available in the same quality sense it was, i'd pay an arm, perhaps a leg too.
I cooked chicken thighs indirect, and then zucchini direct. Then shut the E6 down.


Shook the coals this morning.


