Things you hate about BBQ....

I hate:

1. Starting a long cook in good weather and trying to finish in bad weather (solution - oven).
2. Finishing the above cook for a party and only getting a single sandwich.
3. Knowing that everyone loves the product but still thinking you could have done better.

Grilling is a whole other thread.
I hate coming home from a comp where I didn't do so well, I'm really tired, and I STILL have to strip the trailer down and clean it from top to bottom. That truly stinks.

Originally posted by James Harvey:
I hate:

1. Starting a long cook in good weather and trying to finish in bad weather (solution - oven).
2. Finishing the above cook for a party and only getting a single sandwich.
3. Knowing that everyone loves the product but still thinking you could have done better.

<span class="ev_code_RED">Grilling</span> is a whole other thread.

Amen to all the above, James, especially #3!

...and I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point <span class="ev_code_RED">that</span> out. BBQ deserves more reverence than to be lumped in with anything someone decides to cook outside. (Steaks? Pizza? Really?) Oops. I guess I did mention my pet peeve, after all.
Having to throw out brisket?

Like Dave said , get a food saver. Plenty of them are less than 100 bucks now. Or find one at a thrift store. When I do butts I freeze in bags about half of it. The rest we eat that night and keep some in the fridge.
I do not mind clean up. Right when the meat is off the smoker I put the grates on the charcoal ring right away. Bring the meat inside to "rest".. go back out to greasy flames shooting up thru my grates. I just brush them good and dump the water pan right in the fire pit. My water pan is foiled so no clean up. It only takes a couple minutes. If I think my charcoal is worth saving for another cook I will close it up and smother it. 2 minutes max is all I ever do for clean up.
I hate that I love wine as much as BBQ.

I hate that I can open my wine, faster than I can finish cooking my BBQ.

I hate that if I finish my wine, prior to my BBQ, I just might forget I have BBQ cooking.

I hate when BBQ turns into charcoal since it was forgotten.

Othere than that I cant think of anything I hate about BBQ.
No what ya mean, Dean! Leftover brisket freezes well, particularly. Don't even need a foodsaver. Stick a straw in the ziplock and suck out the air. Be sure to write the contents and date on your bag so the freezer boogie man won't mess with it.

I must say that compared to the other cookers I've had, clean-up is NOTHING on a wsm, even if you DO use water in the pan. No big deal, and I'll put it like this: <span class="ev_code_RED">I'd much rather tidy up my wsm after a cook than stay inside and wash dishes!!!</span>
I hate that I can't eat any of the delicious looking food that people post pictures of on this forum. Other than that, I can't hate on bbq.
I hate the price of meat these days too. Aside from that can someone please explain the clean up difficulties. I just pull the food off and close the dampers. I might have some ideas to make the job easier.
Shaun, no clue why the backyard wsm cook would be whining, but remember that competitors do multiple meats and use multiple smokers and grills. I can clean-up in a jiffy after my usual cook, but I suppose that one-man bbq teams often get burnt out pretty quickly.
) I hate it that no matter what I do, I ruin the first pizza every single time. I either the crap out of it, or the dough is still raw.

Hey Chris, Next time you want to make pizza put a piece of test dough on your grill. I do this when I make pancakes & waffles. (not on the grill) This way you will get a good idea how long it should take to cook. Just an idea. Take care all!
I keep trying different techniques trying to get this down consistently. I think my problem a couple of days ago was that I prepared the pies the night before and had them on commercial cookie pans.

The lid didn't quite fit when I had the pans elevated. So... I think with the added air, the fire just got raging hot. I mean in 5 minutes the bottom was burned black... and I mean burned... not just a little but scorched. I've had zero luck with putting the coals in a circle leaving the center open and sorda baking the pizza.

I don't know, I just have to keep at it until I find the magic combo. The second pizza came out pretty **** good though i have to say. I choked the fire down and waited a bit. It turned out nice with a subtle hint of applewood. I just hate always having to ruin the first one to adjust to make the second one!!!

Originally posted by Jean Hart:
) I hate it that no matter what I do, I ruin the first pizza every single time. I either the crap out of it, or the dough is still raw.

Hey Chris, Next time you want to make pizza put a piece of test dough on your grill. I do this when I make pancakes & waffles. (not on the grill) This way you will get a good idea how long it should take to cook. Just an idea. Take care all!
Another one in the clean up camp. A lot of times when firing up the WSM I am making a new rub and another batch of sauce, aside from that I love it. It's my escape, trying to make each smoke better than the previous, trying new recipes and making them my own, and always cranking some tunes. The good outweighs the bad.
I hate it when my wife says to me "the smoker **thing** takes too long" and then doesn't appreciate my efforts.

I hate the constant hand washing when Q'ing pork and the mess I create and then have to clean.

I hate fumbling around with my Maverick ET-732 trying to get it through the holes in the lid of my 22.5, and the LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG instructions. I'm still trying to figure out how to use that stupid thing.
1- cleaning!
2- hearing Sweet Pammi Sue say "What do you mean the food is done! We aren't eating for another 3 hours!" She always forgets abouy the rest in the cooler that makes the pulled pork so awesomw!
1. Put me in the I hate cleanup camp.

2. Cooking at a comp, swearing that you have cooked your absolute best ever and then not only not getting a call, but finishing somewhere near the bottom instead.

3. As James said above, knowing that despite lots of praise, you know you could have done better.

4. Having to negotiate with the budget committee when you have found the perfect deal-of-a-lifetime that you end up passing on because you hear, "we really don't need to spend the money on that right now", or "do you REALLY need another grill"?
I hate it when I've got the cooker going, the meats on-and then my work phone rings.
What a minute. that's not what I hate about BBQ, that's what I hate about my job.
I hate it when I run out of money and can't attend any more BBQ comps. I also hate it that I can't buy a larger house so that I could make a bigger cook shack for all my cookers.


