Things you hate about BBQ....

right ?!
I mean is it wrong that I sometimes dont want to throw my shirt down the laundry chute because it stilll smells like hickory smoke ?

Wow, I am a BBQ nutcase huh ?....
Originally posted by Matt Heebner:
right ?!
I mean is it wrong that I sometimes dont want to throw my shirt down the laundry chute because it stilll smells like hickory smoke ?

Wow, I am a BBQ nutcase huh ?....

Hickory smoke in the laundry shoot, now that's a GOOD IDEA!! I like it.
I'm not fond of my pillow smelling of smoke during and after an overnight smoke. Really stresses the palate.

Maybe we girls have more hair to trap the smoke than some of our illustrious members, hmmmm?

To be honest, I dump way out at the edge of the yard as well. I guess I could just use the garbage disposal, though. Why didn't I think of that before?
Was just thinking when I started reading this thread, whoa, don't get me started. Lots of things to love, and not. Who among us isn't passionate about their cooking?? I'll echo another poster...the clueless pitmaster comment. Also echo the advice I get from visiting grillmasters, if I don't know them or eaten their cooking.

But most of all, I hate BBQ'in at someone else's house. Really, I dread it. I am the master of my own backyard. Even made fun of other guys who ain't. I have at least one friend who will not touch his grill in his yard in my presence. He tells are a better BBQ'er, end of story. I try to live and let live also, and enjoy others company/cooking. But I can't help but keep one eye on what the griller is doing if raw meat hits the grill in my presence. If I had a nickel for how many times I've scooped up the platter and tongs the raw meat was carried back into the kitchen to wash...I'd be a rich man. I usually wait until the cooker shows no intention of doing it, then I cannot help myself.

Oh, and also, what "they" cook on weber and only cry once.

Originally posted by Rita Y:
I'm not fond of my pillow smelling of smoke during and after an overnight smoke. Really stresses the palate.

Rita, My wife loves the smell so I don't worry about it!

I hate my clothes, hair, arms and face smelling like smoke too. But most of all I hate not having enough time to BBQ as much as I want.
Cleaning up isn't that bad really.
I'm not getting this
I think it's the plate & tongs that is the concern. If he didn't do this the same tongs and plate (as is) would of been used to retrieve the final cooked product...
I can't really say I hate anything about BBG (besides the bugs in summertime) but I wasn't much of a fan of my BBQ till I joined this site and bought a WSM. I spent yrs using an ECB and a old offset and while the food was alright, I knew I could do better.

Originally posted by Kevin Walsh:
I hate it when my neighbor dumps his water pan on my yard.

I do too Kevin. I would never do that. Down here in the swamp, lot's of places to dump "grey" water with no offense to anyone else.
"Hate" is too strong a word...maybe "intensely dislike."

I intensely dislike being suckered into going to a "prize winning" BBQ restaurant and the Q ranges from utter crap to nondescript. Big chains or hole-in-the-wall places, it happens all too often.

It's gotten to the point that we'd rather eat anywhere than a Q joint, even a cats'n'rats Chinese, than waste money on bad Q.
Originally posted by Mark Orth:
I hate not having an endless supply of beer to drink while smoking. THE 2 GO HAND IN HAND!!!

I would fall over without my 12 oz counterweight!

