The McRib returns Oct. 7

I've never had one and don't think I ever will, not a big fan of Micky D. If you like them go for it. There's 45 grams of carbs and 890 mg of sodium. Salty!
I've made my own version a couple of times and like the idea, but I can control and know what I'm getting.
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I love them. It's a guilty pleasure. They aren't necessarily compatible with a type 2 diet though. I may skip the bun or something, but then it's only part of the whole package.

The McRib locator shows they were sighted in town today.
On a Facebook page I frequent, it was proclaimed that knowledge of McRibs reappearance be kept secret from Harry Soo.... ;)
My wife LOVES them. I hate them. Back story -
I worked at McD's while in HS in the early 80s.
My 2 or 3 night schedule was almost always as
a closer, and I would get stuck having to do cleanup
and dishes. The stainless warming trays that they
kept the McRibs in were always the biggest PITA to
clean. I hated the sticky sauce, and was also not a
fan of onions and pickles on my BBQ sando.
HOWEVER - we would improvise things a little on occasion
to create things of our own. We were making Grand Macs and
dbl 1/4 w cheese years before they ever hit the menu. That
preformed pork patty used in the McRib made a great sando
when you put it on a regular bun with mayo instead of the
disgusting sauce, a slice of tomato, lettuce and cheese.
I found them last year in Southern California while down there judging a BBQ contest. We've not had them here in Northern California in quite a few years. Wassup with that?!? :D
I had one on Monday while riding shotgun.

My advice: wait till they're $1

Just finished off my first McRib in many years. It was pretty good, but not as good as I remembered.
Had to remove the onions, the only raw onions that don't mess with my system are Vidalias.

