Joe Anshien
TVWBB Honor Circle
In one of the threads I promised to do a review of the MB800 I got on sale from Walmart for $500. It arrived within a week and I had to help the truck driver get it on to the lift as this box was large and heavy. It sat in the garage for a few days as I took all the sub boxes to the living room while I waited for my brother-in-law's timely visit to help me move the main unit to the living room to put it together so that it could be easily rolled to the porch once it was put together. There is a good YouTube vid on building it. It took a few hours and I may have had to re-due a bolt or 2;-) This is the first brand new grill I have ever purchased and had to put together. The last and only new grill I had was a 1988 Sunbeam gas grill we received for a wedding gift, and we kept going for 20 years. Ever since I saw a video on this grill it has been like a siren calling my name. We have a 10 x 20 screened in porch and I had it mostly filled with grills. I liked the idea of this one replacing my griddle, WSM, and Performer. Sort of what I got from reading about the folks on this list that did the same with getting their Smokefires. I tried the Smoke fire EX4 and sold it after a few cooks, as it could not keep temp, and was not reliable for me.
Javi and I got the MB800 setup and moved on to the porch. One of the tougher aspects of the install was removing the glue crap from all the stickers that are all over inside and out on this new grill. I loaded it with charcoal and started the seasoning. Wow smoke was coming out of everywhere. I posted a video on the FB Masterbuilt fans page and they said it was normal until all the oil was burnt off.
So far I really do love this grill.
It is charcoal not pellets.
Control it from my phone
Can put splits in it.
No real need for gizmos. Slow N Sear, Vortex, Expander rings, Diffusers, etc
Comes with full size cast iron griddle
Changes temps really fast and is very accurate, as I tested with multiple thermometers.
Easy to empty ash bucket.
Build quality I would say is good. Not great. Is there room for improvement sure. There are smoke leaks I will have to seal. I wish the large drip tray came out the front instead of the back. I wish some of the metal was thicker or maybe 304 SS;-) Not going to happen on a 5-7 hundred dollar grill.
So far I made French fries, a whole turkey, apple pie, corn on the cob and beer can chicken. The fries were nice and crunchy (pic shows only the last ones left). The turkey was unfortunately a little over cooked as I was not paying attention. The beer can chicken was the best chicken I have ever made. It was the same crispy chicken mentioned on the rotisserie crispy chicken thread from hey grill hey with the lemon zest. I was actually going to get rid of my beer can holder as the last time I used it I was not impressed. This time I use peach wood in with the charcoal and had the temps at 425 - 450 the whole time and it cooked in 1 hour! Amazing crispy skin and juicy as could be. I may weight or maybe not even get the rotisserie for this thing.
With the redesigned charcoal grate fuel consumption seems to be quite good. I will probably we using more wood as I love that it can basically handle small logs;-)
It is much simpler than a pellet grill as there is no auger and glow plug. It is basically a charcoal hopper, fan and controller. I also purchased a USB cable that allows me to run it off a little battery pack.
Front of box

back of box

Javi helping remove the sticker glue

Apple pie

My porch setup

A build quality issue


Fries on the griddle

Beer can chicken was soooo Good!

Javi and I got the MB800 setup and moved on to the porch. One of the tougher aspects of the install was removing the glue crap from all the stickers that are all over inside and out on this new grill. I loaded it with charcoal and started the seasoning. Wow smoke was coming out of everywhere. I posted a video on the FB Masterbuilt fans page and they said it was normal until all the oil was burnt off.
So far I really do love this grill.
It is charcoal not pellets.
Control it from my phone
Can put splits in it.
No real need for gizmos. Slow N Sear, Vortex, Expander rings, Diffusers, etc
Comes with full size cast iron griddle
Changes temps really fast and is very accurate, as I tested with multiple thermometers.
Easy to empty ash bucket.
Build quality I would say is good. Not great. Is there room for improvement sure. There are smoke leaks I will have to seal. I wish the large drip tray came out the front instead of the back. I wish some of the metal was thicker or maybe 304 SS;-) Not going to happen on a 5-7 hundred dollar grill.
So far I made French fries, a whole turkey, apple pie, corn on the cob and beer can chicken. The fries were nice and crunchy (pic shows only the last ones left). The turkey was unfortunately a little over cooked as I was not paying attention. The beer can chicken was the best chicken I have ever made. It was the same crispy chicken mentioned on the rotisserie crispy chicken thread from hey grill hey with the lemon zest. I was actually going to get rid of my beer can holder as the last time I used it I was not impressed. This time I use peach wood in with the charcoal and had the temps at 425 - 450 the whole time and it cooked in 1 hour! Amazing crispy skin and juicy as could be. I may weight or maybe not even get the rotisserie for this thing.
With the redesigned charcoal grate fuel consumption seems to be quite good. I will probably we using more wood as I love that it can basically handle small logs;-)
It is much simpler than a pellet grill as there is no auger and glow plug. It is basically a charcoal hopper, fan and controller. I also purchased a USB cable that allows me to run it off a little battery pack.
Front of box

back of box

Javi helping remove the sticker glue

Apple pie

My porch setup

A build quality issue


Fries on the griddle

Beer can chicken was soooo Good!