The Humor Thread

You guys over there are funny. #300 for a limo and no driver?! Who's supposed to drive it? Plus the steering wheels are all on the wrong side of the cars. :D
For any of you (like me) who worked a lot of over nights as I did at O'Hare United Airlines

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I worked 6PM to 4:30AM for the last 7 years before retiring. It did take some getting used to working graveyard but not nearly as much as getting back to human hours once I retired. I even went to 2 shifts a week for the last 2 months. After almost 11 years, I'm finally able to keep normal hours.
Definitely preferred working 4 1o hour shifts to 5, 8s.
Only in Illinois, I swear! I drove into the gas station to get a drink and as I drove up, I noticed these 2 State Troopers watching someone who was smoking while pumping gas.. I saw them and thought, stupid, crazy, or both, especially with the cops standing RIGHT there.. But anyways, I minded my own business and went inside and got my drink.. As I was paying for my drink, I heard someone screaming!! Like I’m talkin' violent death screams!! I looked outside and I saw that this persons arm was on fire!! Swinging their arm, running around going nuts!! When I got outside, the Troopers had the person on the ground and they were putting the fire out!! Then they put handcuffs on and threw them in the squad car.. I was thinking, arrested?? Shouldn’t she be in an ambulance, not a squad car?? And being nosey as I am, I asked the Troopers why they were arresting. The officer looked at me, dead serious, and said, "WAVING A FIRE ARM !!” Now I want to know who actually read this to the end.. If you did, copy and paste this to see who believes you. Lol
My hat is off to those who worked night shifts.
For a couple of years in the late 70s I also worked such shifts. Actually, it was a 28 day cycle.
7 night shifts , 2 days off
7 swing shifts, 2 days off
7 day shifts, 3 days off.
And this was at a surface mine and processing facility.
Same company that makes those little yellow sticky pads and a whole bunch of other stuff.
We were the Mining part of their name...

