Only in Illinois, I swear! I drove into the gas station to get a drink and as I drove up, I noticed these 2 State Troopers watching someone who was smoking while pumping gas.. I saw them and thought, stupid, crazy, or both, especially with the cops standing RIGHT there.. But anyways, I minded my own business and went inside and got my drink.. As I was paying for my drink, I heard someone screaming!! Like I’m talkin' violent death screams!! I looked outside and I saw that this persons arm was on fire!! Swinging their arm, running around going nuts!! When I got outside, the Troopers had the person on the ground and they were putting the fire out!! Then they put handcuffs on and threw them in the squad car.. I was thinking, arrested?? Shouldn’t she be in an ambulance, not a squad car?? And being nosey as I am, I asked the Troopers why they were arresting. The officer looked at me, dead serious, and said, "WAVING A FIRE ARM !!” Now I want to know who actually read this to the end.. If you did, copy and paste this to see who believes you. Lol