Me: I need a water pump.
When I first started wearing hearing aids, the audiologist asked me if there were any special settings that would be helpful. I asked if he could mute frequencies that matched my wife's and my boss's voices. He told me he could only do one or the other. Had I remembered that I was only a few years fro retirement, it would have been an easy choice'
Data center manager I worked with 20 years ago used to have to refer to meeting minutes to figure out what he'd been committed to. He found out in a hearing exam that he had frequency loss right where his boss (also my boss' boss,) spoke. Made a world of difference for him.When I first started wearing hearing aids, the audiologist asked me if there were any special settings that would be helpful. I asked if he could mute frequencies that matched my wife's and my boss's voices. He told me he could only do one or the other. Had I remembered that I was only a few years fro retirement, it would have been an easy choice'