Amazing the things some people think are funny now.The Abbott and Costello TV series is on one of the retro TV channels in our area. We watch it most nights before's amazing the things that we thought were funny back in then.
Outa sight, man! Groovy!
Back when I had an Alexa, I was looking at my Amazon wish lists, and noticed an Alexa wish list that I hadn't created. I played the recording, and an voice was requesting Alexa to order extra large condoms, various sex toys, and a pack of Depends undergarments. Since I had ordering turned off, it only created a wish list. It was created on the time and date of our annual Christmas party, and I immediately put the blame on the young kids that had been playing by themselves in the basement, next to one of the Alexas. I had forgotten all about it, until a good year or more later, a good friend of mine confessed to the prank. I was shocked, as I was more worried that I was going to offend him just talking about the items, given his personality (or so I thought). I'm no prude, and although I would have probably thought it more funny when I was twelve, he was the last person that I thought would do something that. He apologized, and I told him that while I was a bit put off by the Depends, I was very flattered by the extra large condoms.
Same boat Larry!Oddly I really never enjoyed A&C. And not really much Laurel and Hardy either.