The Cornish Hen Craze Continues...


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Following in the grill marks of Rom Prakash and Bill Schultz, I jumped aboard the Hen Haze Craze
Brined in a simple solution of water, salt and sugar, then seasoned with Fire & Flavour's Everyday Rub


as those sat awaiting their fate, I trekked outside to fire up some sort of magical Weber fire & smoke cooker...


being so cold out there, and inside with the fire woodstove chuggin' away, not sure if I really wanted to venture outside...


but, someone's got to do it....
decided on using the 22"OTG with Gary's Smoke Rack hanging system
...but to use this set-up, I needed to employ the cover of the 22"WSM. No problem.


lined the ring of the Weber bowl with used unlit Kingsford then topped that with fresh lit Kingsford.
a little apple wood for smoke. Then hung the hens.


no beer drinking outdoors today, the stuff was freezing pretty easily in these temps... so rhum was on call


the dome therm read 330ºF thru the entire cook (maybe 35 minutes...?)



I checked the temp outside once again using the World's FASTEST Instant Read Thermometer...


...yeah, pretty steady at 1point9degrees above...
about the same time I checked the temp of the hens too...


and they seemed pretty cooked to me, so off they came.
inside during this extreme cold cook, we roasted a coupla red garnet sweet potatoes & steamed George's favourite broccoli


while Liz cut up her hen, I opted to eet the whole dang thing, spitting out the bones as they came along.


the skin was PERFECT, the meat, sooo juicy and most flavourful!
I think it was in Rom's thread I complained about the price of Cornish hens here in the southeastern portion of Wisconsin...
being about 5 bucks each.... these I snagged at 4 & a quarter each... with flavour this rich, i'll buy more!

Thank you ALL for your time and for listening to this old man yap about a bunch of nonsense. :p
Very cool way you cooked the Cornish hens...hopefully I can grill some this weekend.

Merry Christmas Jim.
God bless you and your family.
Oh now that's some engineering wizardry. What a neat idea. Those hens
look absolutely perfect. By the way the photo of Pigvillian looks Christmas Card perfect too.
Merry Christmas Jim.
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The Pigvillion shot should be on your post cards, great looking cook Jim and great combo with the sweet potatoes. Merry Christmas to you and your family Jim!
Great looking cook Jim. Proud that you do it in such cold weather.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Very nice hens Jim, You're a tougher bird than me, way to cold for me to be outside. Although I was thinking of you because you being the king of the cuckeyes which we grilled last night in a bitterly cold 34* but I survived due to sufficient anti freeze in my system.
Those hens look super good Jim, but I absolutely love the shot of the pigvillion lit up in the snow and cold with frosty smoke coming out. Beautiful shot I thought. Would make a beautiful Christmas card. Merry Christmas from Durango
Love this cook, Jim!! You just need a bright star shining over the Pigvilion in that picture. Have a Merry Christmas!!
That looks fantastic, wow! What an amazing setup for hanging the chickens! Love this forum, learn something new everytime I visit. Our kids just love the Cornish game hens, I'm going to pick up some more later this week! Thanks for sharing your meal with us!
I envy NO man (except you and the Pigvilion:rolleyes:)...

What a wonderful thread on Christmas Eve!! Love the picture of the Pigvilion. Just flat LOVE it!!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!

Keep on smokin',

