Test Dish..Eggplant and Tomato Salad


Kim Drana

TVWBB All-Star
I am on the hook for cooking next Thursday for the family vacation in Waupaca Wisconsin. So the plan is to serve this dish before the main meal.
Tested it out tonite for dinner. I am happy with the results......Here are the players:

Everything on the grill:

Having a Alaskan Beer...waiting for everything to finish: Thanks Morgan for turning me on to your local brew:

Finished dish ready to plate:

Here is your plate...Mom...hope you will like this dish...dont tell anyone please:


Weber Firepit ready for tonite!
Thanks for looking!
Nice cook! Kind of a grilled caprese salad! Love it! Glad u are digging the beer! If u can find the white try it...
Great looking cook Kim. Nancy just picked our first two eggplants so know I can do something special with them........ thanks to you.
Terrific cook and photos Kim!

best not give out too many details as to exactly where you will be, some of us might show up too:)
Kim, I found it and bought two sixers, c'mon down, i'll save ya acouple;)

I am hoping to find some tomorrow before I head to Waupaca for the next 2 days...post a photo ...and I will do the same when I get back...cant promise it will be the same..

