Teriyaki Pork Steak


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
A while back I had my butcher cut up a pork butt into several 1 ¾ inch pork steaks. Today I
marinated one in Veri Veri Teriyaki for about 8 hours. I seasoned it with just a sprinkling of
Pig Salt and let it come up to room temp while I got the Performer ready.

I set up the Performer in a semi snake using KBB and a few chunks of Pecan and Hickory. The
steak was put on indirect and I will let it cook at about 275 to 300 for the next couple hours.

After 2 hours I put the pork steak in an aluminum pan and covered the steak with Mr. Yoshida’s
sauce and some white onions. I "borrowed" this technique from a post by Jim Lampe.

Covered and put back onto the Performer for about an hour.

I zapped a couple of bakers in the microwave for about 6 minutes. They were then sliced fairly
thick and basted on both sides with butter. I then seasoned both sides with garlic pepper.

At the hour mark I removed the pork steak from the Performer and added the potatoes.

Potatoes are done!

Since the pork steak was so big we cut it in half as there was just my wife and I for dinner.

Pork steak came out very tender and delicious. The potatoes were real tasty with a buttery garlic
flavor. I will be doing both these again.

Thanks for looking!
Thanks everyone for your kind words. :)

Chris: I believe I got 6 large ones out of that pork butt. I really like the thick steaks so I usually
just have my butcher cut up a whole butt for me.
Mike, thats a great looking cook! I've got a boat load of pork steaks and chops in the freezer and I really like yoshida's so I'm going to give this one a try, taters included.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. :)

Chris: I believe I got 6 large ones out of that pork butt. I really like the thick steaks so I usually
just have my butcher cut up a whole butt for me.

Thanks Mike. Well worth the price of a shoulder for the steaks. Think I am going to stop by there this week and do the same thing.
Great Stuff, Ain't So Mike!?
and you got that nice little red smoke ring around the pork...

