Teriyaki Chicken Thighs Try #2


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Well, I'll try and post this properly one more time. Me and Xenforo don't see eye to eye. I hope everyone had a good Father's Day. I did this cook last week and am just now getting around to posting it. Saw a Teriyaki chicken recipe that looked good so I thought I'd give it a try, Keeping with the theme I grilled up some Teriyaki Green Beans. I was going to make some rice but I had a couple of older russets that needed to be cooked so that's what I did. So much for the theme. Anyway, here's a few pictures.

The recipe called for boneless skinless thighs but sticking by our freezer purge we only had the good old bone in with skin. Went with that. I marinated these thighs for seven hours in soy sauce, pineapple juice, pineapple chunks, brown sugar, chopped garlic, rice vinegar and sesame oil.
Got them on some high heat for around 1-2 minutes each side.

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Watched them very closely and then transferred to cool side.

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Melted some butter in a large skillet. Sauteed the beans along with a shallot and some mushrooms for around 5 minutes. Threw in the garlic towards the end.

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JJ did the aforementioned potatoes.

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Thighs riding around 165. I reserved the marinade and boiled it. Added some cornstarch and water to thicken. Basted the chicken before pulling off the grill.

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Added the teriyaki sauce and let it roll another few minutes.

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Plated it up and sprinkled sesame seeds on the beans.

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Well, that's it. It was a pretty darned good dinner. Better get rolling on my outside work. It's going to be a hot one here today. Thank you for looking everyone!
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Looks great, Cliff! Love that signature color on the thighs that you get when you've marinated in something with sugar! Tasty meal, sir!


