Tequila Sunrise Chicken, Bakers and Green Beans


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
I saw this recipe and knew I had to try it. The name kind of says it all. It's a nice juicy chicken with moderate heat and a load of delicious flavors. Did a couple of bakers to go with it and a repeat of green beans. They're cheap and abundant right now so I'm taking advantage. Here are the pic's.

I picked up a nice 4 lb. chicken.

Got the bird split and trimmed up.

Here are the ingredients for the marinade. The orange is not an ingredient. My goof.

Marinade all mixed and ready to go. Tequila, OJ, Grenadine and oil.

Bagged and in fridge for 3 hours.

Rub ingredients. Now it's time for the orange. Used zest from the entire orange.

Rub all mixed, including zest.

Lemon/garlic oil steeping, along with some roasted red pepper flakes.

Spuds and brew.

Out of the marinade and took on quite a blush.

To be continued.......
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Sounds awesome. I'll be waiting here with great anticipation. Try to make it quick, will ya? :p
Rubbed down.

Used Cowboy Lump for the chicken. Dome temp 375 for one hour.

Chicken is on.

Bakers on.

Chicken done.

Beans getting a good char.

Beans done.

Potatoes done.



This chicken came out excellent. Moist and juicy. Really fun to do. Thanks for looking
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Wow. Speedy and good! :D

The whole meal looks fantastic. Thanks for passing along. Interesting that the color didn't penetrate into the meat.

