Tatonka Dusted Ribeyes


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Nothing fancy but really really good!!!

A couple of ribeyes Dusted with some Tatonka Dust

A load of mesquite lump in the Weber chimney. I forgot how bad this stuff sparks lighting it up this way!!!!

Lowered the grate on the Santa Maria pit and gave them a sear almost caveman style.

Gave the steaks a good sear on both sides with the grate almost resting on the coals and then raised it 12 to 18 inches to finish cooking. No plated pic.
Love that Caveman sear! Looks delicious John. I've been looking at those Santa Maria grills and am getting the itch.
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Caveman style! thats the way to do it! Steaks look gorgeous! Have some Tantonka that I haven't opened yet.Going to try it with some tri-tip next time.
I'm sorry, I have no experience with Tatonka ...
But I do have experience with Mr. John Solak.
And it looks very gooood John!!!

