Sunday breakfast


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I love not cooking and Maribel taking care of me. I woke up Sunday morning and she had Jennifer working on our breakfast.

Thanks for looking.
Tony and Maribel.
Nothing tops breakfast on the genny. I do highly recommend the griddle that replaces a grate. It is perfect for our large cooks. It is my favorite accessory.
Tony and Maribel;
You two do wonderous things with grills!

Thanks, again, for sharing with us!!

Keep on smokin',
Nothing tops breakfast on the genny. I do highly recommend the griddle that replaces a grate. It is perfect for our large cooks. It is my favorite accessory.

Thanks Curt. Maribel and I were talking about that and will have to get the "plancha". We saw Chris A. Get one for his grill.
OMG! What a meal. Your neighbors must go crazy with the constant smell of all that great food being prepared.
That is what my mornings have been like for 3 weeks now. Probably not as well cooked. Looks tasty as always Tony
Excellent!!! That is one of those meals you fell like a nap after your done eating it, who cares if you just woke up 30 minutes before!!!!
Man, this probably is not the healthiest breakfast in the world but it looks GREAT!!! I love it!!!

