Stir Fry on the Gourmet Wok


Chad Bman

TVWBB All-Star
Full chimney of KBB


Yeah, this will be warm enough.


Heating some sesame oil


Cookin' the chicken


I prefer giving the red pepper a head start


All fruits and veggies in the pool


Heated through and added Orange Ginger/Stir Fry sauce (bottles) next


Annnnd we're done.


Plated over brown rice


Tonights beverage. (had to try it. It's ok, but don't love it.)


All in all, quite a success. I don't use the wok often, but each time I do wifey says I need to use it more often. Hahaha
Thanks fellas. The wok is super easy to use and while I've only used it a couple of times, it turns out pretty good stuff.

What sauce did ya use?

We had 2 partially used bottles in the fridge I used instead of opening anything new. One was an Orange Ginger marinade/stir fry sauce and the other said STIR FRY on it. Just standard stuff off the shelf from the local grocery store.

you like the Sprecher hard rootbeer?

I really like the regular ol' Sprecher Rootbeer so I had to purchase this Hard Rootbeer when I saw it in the store. It's ok, but surely wouldn't be able to sit there all afternoon drinkin' the stuff. But one bottle every once in a while? Absolutely.
I really like the regular ol' Sprecher Rootbeer so I had to purchase this Hard Rootbeer when I saw it in the store. It's ok, but surely wouldn't be able to sit there all afternoon drinkin' the stuff. But one bottle every once in a while? Absolutely.
EXACTLY how I felt about it. One bottle is good for a month. But to sit down and drink two, 3... nope.

