We sure would have liked to have given you a complete and easy fix, but I hope that we have at least been a good source of ideas.
I think it comes down in part to Weber being cautious about how many BTUs they throw at your food. One fix that wasn't mentioned is that you COULD replace the orifices with ones with slightly larger openings. You would get more heat then, for sure. The problem - and it is a big one - is that doing so would probably NOT BE SAFE AT ALL,

because Weber didn't design that grill to be able to handle that kind of heat.
Since, like me, you enjoy car analogies, if you return you can get a laugh out of my crazy "The Judge" grill where I recklessly disregarded these cautions to make my very own "muscle grill!"

If you don't want to read all of it, jump to page three:
I would call that successful. Yes some of the holes not lighting off and then the big whoosh is indicative of the burner not filling completely with gas. I would think opening the orifices maybe a couple .x0000th of an inch might be just the ticket and not raise heat output much if at all or...