Some Cooks From a Stressful Week


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Been a busy and stressful week I had a nuclear stress test on my heart had to spend the whole day at the cardiologist then wait a week to get the results. Then a full panel blood test and wait a week for the results to that. Really stressful just worrying about what was going to show up.
Good news everything is working just fine so I’m good to go for another year.
So here’s some of the cooks for this week.

Nice New York strips with a tater with homemade bacon and sour cream.





Pork steaks marinated in fresh rosemary, garlic, balsamic vinegar, black pepper and olive oil. Sides were grilled zukes from the garden and a cucumber and tomato salad.
The chops were really good.





Simple bacon cheese burgers with fries and tots.


Barb did this one, Honey Sriracha Chicken Thighs and a Chipotle lime avocado salad this was a first for us but for sure won’t be the last, just terrific flavors on both. The two thighs on the right are for a meal later in the week.



Thanks for stopping by and a safe Labor Day
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Outstanding cooking and photos on everything you two!
Made my heart stop for a second :p

I get the nuclear test about every 3 years or so, I'd rather take a asswhippin' !
I'm on my second pacemaker since 2002, but, knock on wood, there never seems to me much if any blockage show up.
My problem is in the natural electrical circuitry of my ticker.

Thanks for your too kind words over on BME.
I would be happy if the thread brought in a few new members to this fine place.
Good lookin cooking as ever Rich & Barb.

Glad to hear you passed your 'rego'check.

Keep your eye out for a package from OZ, I found a new Weber toy for you to play with.

It's probably the only Weber part we can buy here that you cannot get in the USA.

Something for your 'no-fire' days...........
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Cood lookin cooking as ever Rich & Barb.

Glad to hear you passed your 'rego'check.

Keep your eye out for a package from OZ, I found a new Weber toy for you to play with.

It's probably the only Weber part we can buy here that you cannot get in the USA.

Something for your 'no-fire' days...........

I love toys Stephen, I'll be watching for it.
Glad to hear everything checked out good Rich. Looking forward to seeing many more meals like those for years to come...


Glad to hear everything turned out ok with the tests, Rich. All the stressful waiting didn't seem to affect your cooking…still churning out tasty meals one after another.
Outstanding cooking and photos on everything you two!
Made my heart stop for a second :p

I get the nuclear test about every 3 years or so, I'd rather take a asswhippin' !I'm on my second pacemaker since 2002, but, knock on wood, there never seems to me much if any blockage show up.
My problem is in the natural electrical circuitry of my ticker.

Thanks for your too kind words over on BME.
I would be happy if the thread brought in a few new members to this fine place.

Gee, I thought a nuclear stress test was a asswhippin. Ain't it fun getting old, guess it beats the alternative.
Hey Rich.

Great news on your yearly check-up. I've got a kidney CT scan myself this week. Bit stressed about it.

Oh yeah, top looking grub you & Barb cooked up.
I am happy, your heart is beating in the right rhythm ... the rhythm of the grill & bbq. Very nice cooking Rich and Barb!
I'm not sure what a nuclear stress test ("Duck! And cover!" keeps running through my mind) is and based on some of the comments it sounds like something I'd be well to avoid, but I'm glad you passed.

What really matters is that those pork steaks sound awfully tasty...;)
I'm glad your ticker, and the rest of you, is good to go for another year!
And that is some fine looking grub!
Some fantastic cooks! You stay frosty Rich, I'm 5 years from retirement and will need some pointers

