Smoked Pork Neck Bones > Sauerkraut Casserole > CI Cornbread


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Neck bones have been mentioned in a couple of threads lately, so I decided to grab some and try smoke cooking them.

2.33 pounds worth.


Rubbed with Oakridge Secret Weapon Pork & Chicken.

After 2 hrs. with apple and hickory smoke.

Onions, butter, and a little flour for a roux.

A can of Rotel tomatoes.

A drained can of kraut, seasoned with pepper, garlic powder, and a big dash of maple sugar.

Seemed a little dry, so I added Master of Mixes 5 Pepper Bloody Mary mix until I was happy.

On the grill for about another 1.5 hrs.

Jiffy mix cornbread, with the last of my garden jalapenos.

Time to eat.

Hang tight while I post the ending.................
Bowled shots:


Not a lot of meat, but man was it ever good!
So was the casserole.
For kraut haters (like Lampe) I would say the tomatoes really mellow it out, and the heat was perfect, so I didn't add Sriracha like I had planned.

It was 16F here this morning, maybe I'll have some for breakfast too. :)
edit, the temp is now 14, and Wind Chill of 8.
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Oh, YEAH!!! Now, THAT's "GOOD EATS"!!

Bob, you are indeed a PITMASTER!!

I do NOT like this cold weather (it was 19, here, this A.M.) but that meal would certainly "brace a feller up"...

Keep on smokin',
ill admit, even with the kraut, it looks soo fricken good I'd probably eet half that platter...
Well done Chef Correll!!
We're the neck bones tender? I smoked some a few weeks back and made neck bones and cabbage, you made a different version and I would love a plate!
Beautiful looking plate Bob, I've never tried neck bones but that shot makes me think I will! Stay warm!
Hey Bob, a beautiful central European variant (minus cornbread) food. If you live in an area with the largest German immigrant's concentration ... where is the dumpling?:confused: I love this dish Bob and you know it;)
Love this meal! Now I have an idea what to do with neck bones when I see them again.
Really nice cook Bob! Neck is what o do pp of. It really needs some slow cooking to be good. But here its cheap. So we eat it all the time. Have to try it your way. Killer post
Bob, spectacular cook as always and the side with the neck bones. Will have to give that one a try thanks for shareing

