Smoked Meatloaf - YUM !!!



Tried it years ago, was just ok. Read some of the great posts here and decided to give it another shot. Used my wife's meatloaf recipe, did our best to shape it like a loafIMG_20200223_163140.jpg

About 1:15 in, had a nice crusty outside

Time to slather with some bbq sauce, used our favorite, Blues Hog

Got a decent smoke ring, delicious Sunday night dinner
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Man, that looks like some seriously fine comfort food right there!! I’ve never really though Too much about smoking a meatloaf, but that pic when you added the Blues Hog sure has me thinking about it now! Great job, thanks for sharing.
Your pics literally made my mouth water. Looks really, really good. And how can you beat leftover meatloaf sandwiches? (Assuming you had leftovers.)
Your pics literally made my mouth water. Looks really, really good. And how can you beat leftover meatloaf sandwiches? (Assuming you had leftovers.)
Sadly (not really, lol) I’m on a plane to Vegas, so my wife, her mother, her boss and her friends will get the leftovers....i will console myself at one of the steakhouses.....
That's a great looking meatloaf. Barb is the meatloaf queen in our home and always smoke hers on the performer. I'll have to let her know to chime in.
Awesome meatloaf and the sides perfect. Yes smoking a meatloaf is the only way to cook it. Outstanding job on yours.
Wholie cow...or at least part of it. Dang that looks awesome! You crushed that one. I see a future for this again from you and I see some in my future too! Thanks for sharing
Wholie cow...or at least part of it. Dang that looks awesome! You crushed that one. I see a future for this again from you and I see some in my future too! Thanks for sharing

As a matter of fact, going to make it again this week. Son is home from college, saw the pics and asked for it. One change, my chef friend suggested replacing the bread crumbs with rice krispies. Sounds odd, but he swears it adds flavor and texture. Dying to try it now.
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