Scored a Performer Platinum on CL - Deep Clean Time!


Matt in Vancouver

TVWBB Member
After keeping an eye on CL for awhile now I finally pulled the trigger on an 11' performer platinum that needed a little TLC. It hadn't been abused but was quite dirty and the grills had been neglected. I could tell a good cleaning would do wonders for this little rig so I loaded it into the truck and headed home with my new toy.

Here are some before pics:




First I dumped out all the large debris then gave it a good soaking inside and out with oven cleaner. After soaking for about an hour I went after it with a razor blade which shaved off the top layers of grime but the hard sticky stuff was holding strong. I then re-soaked and re-scraped and was finally starting to make some progress. Thankfully I had also just replaced the grates on my black OTG so they were pilfered for this project :)

After - Good as new!:



Can't wait to fire it up!!
I enjoy cleaning my CL finds to a like-new condition and love seeing others do the same. Congrats on the score!
PS - I have a (blue) '11 Performer Platinum also
Great find....great grill....great cleaning. Looks right at home with the other members of the family. However....the black OTG looks a little upset for some reason???
Sorry buddy, I call BS on this one. I mean, it looks like you took pictures of a used one, but the after pictures look like a brand new one that has never been touched much less used. Well done!
P.S. How much did you pay?
OK, it's time to admit I've got a BBQ problem... but I had no choice!

Literally 2 days after I purchased and deep cleaned the Black Performer in this thread I came across an even better deal on ANOTHER performer. (My wife's just loving this btw!)

After speaking with the seller he confirmed it was only used 1 TIME and he wasnt kidding! No deep clean required here, 30min cleanup and its showroom new for $150 :cool: I love the color and knew I could easily recoup my $ on the first one so I figured why not!







It's a 2012 model lime(?) green Crate and Barrel version and also came with the heavy duty gourmet bbq system grate and the original cover. I couldn't be happier!

Thanks for all the comments everyone - I'll try to remember to snap a pic or two of the steaks we're having for dinner!
Forgot to mention a tip for anyone with a similar performer - if you have any light to medium scratches on the tabletop a bit of Meguires Ultimate Compound worked wonders for me. It buffed off the white scratch marks and did not mess with the final finish. You would never be able to tell they were even there!

