Rusty Thighs in the Pig


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
marinated boneless skinless chicken thighs... got the idea from this ▼ video Dave/G posted last week


...then seasoned them.


using world famous Weber grilling equipment in the Pigvilion for this cook


thighs on...



corn on also...






served up with rice and beans with sautéed onions.


Thanks for stoppin' by!
Sorry Jim, no way in heck am I watching that vid again! :p
But I sure like lookin' at your fine cookin'!

Was the drink for the evening a Rusty Nail?
That looks like a delicious dish Jim and thank you for the post, I have never heard of that site before!
That looks interesting, and I wonder how that marinade might work with pork chops too?
Don't look now Jim, but you got Fowl & Corn on your BullSheet

Allbeit, very good BullSheet...I mean Fowl & Corn
Looks fantastic Jim. That green bean and sautéed onion dish looks really good. Great side. Your yard looks like a park. Very, very nice.
Maybe it's been awhile, not sure. Did you get a new camera? These pics look very clear. Could be I'm so dang hungry right now :) you may not have enjoyed the marinade but I enjoyed the photos. Thanks for sharing!
Chicken looks really good, marinade sounds good too, I wonder if you left the chicken in the marinade longer if it would be better.
Thanks again folks:D

Did you get a new camera? These pics look very clear.
no... I did get new glasses, maybe that's why the pics are clearer...

Is that metal pail next to the grill lighter fluid?
nope Tim, it's gasoline.

...marinade sounds good too, I wonder if you left the chicken in the marinade longer if it would be better.
it was in the marinade for over three hours.
I simply did not like it.
Jim, I don't think I can add much more to what has already been said. You are the master of your craft, and I appreciate the link! It's great to see your inspiration! Thanks!

