Ring of Wings


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Sunday's dinner, wings and Jiffy mix corn casserole (aka spoon bread casserole),
Wings dusted with a mix of rub with a touch of corn starch stirred in.


Super crispy!


Butter and hot sauce for dipping, right before eating to keep them crisp.
I boned out the flats before they hit my plate to not slow down munching.


This morning's breakfast, peanut butter & banana with some of my hickory smoked bacon for an Elvis sandwich.


I know some of you are concerned about me, I'm still doing well, so far no major side effects from my treatment.
55F here this morning, rather invigorating!
The wings look perfect; my first attempt at them is coming up next weekend. I'm not sure I would try an Elvis sandwich. 🥴 But the bacon looks fantastic.

I'm glad your treatment is still going well.
They both look great Bob!! My mother used to make sure she put a peanut butter and banana sandwich in my lunch bag at least once a week when I was a kid. The bacon only makes it better.
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Good grief Bob you've got to be feeling better! That chicken wing cook was great enough and then you hit up my memory bank with the peanut butter and banana which was one of my favorite sammies as a kid. Taking it to new level with BACON!
The food master of ingenuity is back and we're all glad to see it!
I'd take either one of those plates for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But I'd lean toward the wings. Either way, good lookin' cookin'. Glad to hear you're feeling well.
I messed up 3lbs of perfectly good wings a few days ago with way way to much corn starch. I have to get me another bag and try with a touch (not a 1/4 cup) of corn starch with the rub. Your wing look so good!

I did my first batch of Vortex Wings over this past weekend and it was also my first time using CS (with only S&P added). Both my wife and I thought they were outstanding if just a tad overdone.

Curious what your proportions looked like and what you will do next time given the reduction in CS.

First thing that came to my mind when I saw your thread title!

Great looking wings! I like to use baking powder in the rub as it doesn't add a ny flavor like corn starch can.
Im stopping to grab some wings to vortex on my way home from work now..............................Thanks!!!!

I have one recommendation for your hot sauce add a splash of vinegar. ;)

