TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
It's been a busy couple months and with the way workload has been, I've worked both the MLK and President's Day holidays. Things are getting back to a somewhat normal level, so Friday, I made up for it and took one of my unused holidays. Decided to do some baby backs. I made a rub which (as many of my rubs do) started with the leftovers of the last rub I made - Chris Lily's Championship rub. To that, I added a batch of BRITU rub. Fired up the WSM with about 1/3 of a chimney of K-Pro and a large chunk of apple wood. Temps sat right at about 240 for the entire cook. I was hoping to get around 275, as we had rain moving last night and I wanted the WSM to have time to cool down. No such luck, and the rain actually arrived a few hours before I had planned. I got the ribs on around 3:30 and by 6:00, scattered drops started to show up. By 6:15, it looked like it might get heavier, so I shut the WSM down and moved the ribs to the far left side of the Genesis, with just the right burner on medium. Temps got to 300, so I knocked it down to medium low and it settled in at 250, where it sat for another 45 minutes to finish. For sauce, I had some Piedmont sauce that I modified with some extra ketchup, molasses and brown sugar. Worked out great. Also did some homemade Mac and Cheese with diced green chiles and a salad. Mac and cheese was excellent, but the amount on my plate is probably double what I should have had.
It's very rich. All in all, a good meal - nice to have that Genesis.