Dwain Pannell
TVWBB Hall of Fame
I broke a pork butt down per Jeff's direction in this post. I wanted to do something different with the money muscle portion so I picked up some Fischer Wieser Raspberry Chipotle Sauce. I brined the pork a few hours then cooked the roast indirect at 350*F with some Stubb's and a chunk of Peach wood... just in time for the rain. But the show must go on. I started glazing at 175*F until 190*F internal. Early on I placed the baked sweet potatoes below the meat and the rolls are SWMBO's homemade dinner rolls made from my spent brewing grains. Yummo! This was an awesome meal.
The smoker is workin on a slab of bacon.

The smoker is workin on a slab of bacon.

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